I’ve seen these responses here, but as someone who studied anthropology in the 90’s (before the modern understanding of meme existed) I never took the concept of meme to carry so much weight. It could, but for example, how you tie your shoes is in my mind closer to just cultural knowledge. True, there are different ways to tie a shoe, but the most important part is its usefulness, not expression. There’s function behind it, and theoretically multiple people could come up with the same knot without passing on knowledge through a meme. Things like how we dress could certainly be a meme when you see it in terms of fashion. Bell bottoms promote an idea of coolness, however, dressing for function is different. In other words, it’s more about the idea than the practice.

I don’t know if that makes sense, I just went years understanding that memes could be serious and important, or they could be trivial, and more often the latter, but they aren’t EVERYTHING that gets passed down or across a culture. Some things are still rooted in a purpose or design based off something more mathematical or objective. Wearing a heavy coat is based off the need to be warm, and this information can be formed on its own, wearing a heavy coat that accentuates the butt area for whatever fashionable reason, is now getting into the territory if a meme.

It is not. I replied above to correct their assumption. A meme must be able to hold meaning or content, and travel though society- not necessarily in print form.

This is not necessarily true. You are still thinking of something printed, or a picture. The message or content of those things must be able to travel through society, carrying that message or content. Those things could all be read in a day and forgotten. That is not a meme.

“Eating carrots is good for your eyesight” would be a meme. It’s factual, but whether or not it is a fact or a rumor, it’s something that was generally accepted by a lot of people through generations, and given a moment where one might associate good eyesight with a food, people would guess carrot, not based on science, but on the meme.

Mine is something similar- “God Damn it Letang! You’re a fool!” Then I watch him skate off the ice after what seems to be 45 minutes of ice time and we get the win- “Damn it, I’m sorry. Who the fuck am I? Some fat couch potato criticizing this beautiful hockey machine? 🫡 “

I’m afraid I’ll get caught in this whole thread, but, Hellboy wasn’t supposed to be imposing or even really have the comedy beats in Hellboy 3. Harbour is portraying the teenage Hellboy who is awkward, sporadic, and doesn’t have a comedy beat worth anything. It’s supposed to be a little cringe. That’s my outlook at least.

The problem is, one of the great ideas in the comic book is that you would follow Hellboy in his adult life, but also his young adult life and teenage life. David Harbour did a great job of portraying the naïve, whiny, inexperienced teenage Hellboy that Ron Pearlman wouldn’t be able to do. I’m one of the few fans who actually likes all three movies in their own way, and has also read the comic books.

I’m one of the rare few who think this is the absolute worst way to go. You are relaxing, and enjoying everything you love, and all the sudden you can’t open your eyelids you’re so tired. Exhaustion overwhelms you as you realize you want to sip your cold beer but you can’t even muster the energy to open your eyelids much less move your arm. What may seem like simply falling asleep, to me could be struggling to stay awake, like those moments I sit down inside from an afternoon of work out in the sun but I’m dehydrated and end up falling asleep when I know I should be cooking dinner. It’s the worst. I struggle to actually get up even though I’m in and out of these 15 minute power naps. It’s such a horrible feeling. Hopefully your buddy’s father went much quicker. I just don’t know if there’s any good way to pass through until you’re actually gone. Then it is truly peace I would believe.

Nono, I’ve already told you in a well-worded response that you’re unable to reply to, with any reasonable answers…

…to get fucked. Did you follow that pretty closely too?

They claim it’s important to understand the historical context as an important part of the birth of this nation.

Day one: “Alright children, get out your scissors. Who is aware of the Jefferson Bible? Today you get to make your own. Start cutting.”

The truth is though, Biden didn't make that promise. As far as I know he never said it and I try to follow these things pretty closely. My understanding was that it was a staffer who said

The truth is, you are incredibly naive to think that this article went out without Biden’s knowledge and his entire camp. You have no understanding of how these things work. I’m not some tin foil hat person, I just understand that politics revolve around the press, and a “leak” like this particular article happens on purpose.

The most I ever heard was him saying he did not plan to run at the current time but had not ruled it out.

What do you think we’re talking about here? You think I’m gonna refer back to the video clip of him making a pinky promise? Yes he said this, and he said it a number of times without the “I haven’t ruled it out yet” part. You clearly didn’t follow “closely”, and it’s complete horseshit that you think I didn’t, and just made up some “mythology”.

Yes they fucked us over by putting their thumb on the scale for Clinton.

So shut up about the rest of this, “If Sanders had gotten more support” crap.

NONE of this has to do with the fact that they shut down the option of anyone else opposing Biden in 2024. You say people were cleared out at the DNC, you say the pinky promise was “mythology” as though it wasn’t THE OBVIOUS ASSUMPTION, and you make these excuses like a party line simp(god I can’t believe I’m using that term) yet you still can’t explain why 2024 was handed to Biden, while the millions of Americans who are CLEARLY tired of old fucks running this country, were told TOO FUCKING BAD. This was not voters fault, the fucking DNC has seen Millions of people flock to the party ONLY because they are trying to balance the scale away from fascists, and they think they’re doing things right. WRONG! People like me may vote democrat, but I fucking HATE being a registered democrat, especially when there’s no fucking option for primaries anyway! The DNC is fucked.

We’re not just sitting here thinking, “I think they might have put regular oil in the car instead of synthetic” The fucking car has all the warning lights on, it’s wobbling, smoking, and making noises, and you’re sitting here saying, “I don’t know sweetheart, I think we just need to take it back to the shop, it’s not that bad. They fired that other guy who told us it was in great condition. It’s not that bad.”

After the Politico article, where his staff told reporters he does not intend to run for a second term, which was certainly an orchestrated press release, he was asked at least twice with follow up questions and responded that “No.” he has no plans to run twice. I can’t find links for those, but I and my parents both very much remember.



Just one quick google, but you should understand how seriously the DNC fucked this country by leaning on Hillary Clinton and pushing Sanders out of the Primary in 2016. He was pushed out before she had the full support of the party. This is understood to be a HUGE fucking reason Trump got elected in the first place. Every independent voter who saw the DNC put Hillary on the pedestal had flashbacks to the 90s and voted Trump out of spite. If you need me to provide sources, then you’ve been burying your head in the sand. The DNC is fucked.

“WAY too close this time dude! You’re scaring the clients too much. I’m not gonna keep doing this if you keep- OK no fine, no you’re right, you’re right, here’s the salmon. They are very big teeth, I didn’t forget. Didn’t mean to bring it up. See you tomorrow.”

Nobody is talking about the 2020 primaries. I am talking about 2024 when the DNC said outright, “No one else will be considered for the Democratic primaries aside from Joe Biden” In fact, Biden himself lied and said he was only going to run in 2020 for ONE term. People like my boomer parents trusted him at his word. He lied, and when people turned to their own party “leaders” to contest the lying candidate, that’s when the DNC told everyone, “You will not contest Joe Biden, he will be the only candidate.”

Listen, voters suck sometimes, but if you aren’t aware of the obvious corruption and power hungry elitists that run the DNC, you need to catch up. The Democratic party may be supported by a lot of great voters, but the internal workings of the party itself are rotten to the core.

Finally, you better believe I’m voting for Joe Biden, and I’m a proud American for doing so, because I know my vote matters, and I want every Maga, right wing Trump supporter to know that I’d rather vote for a rotting log than a convicted felon and lying grifter like Donald Trump.

It was the DNC. So many people here are blaming the country’s Democrats, when in reality, the DNC refused to allow anyone to run against Biden, which then put the Democrats in this country in the position of asking, “Well, what do we do about the DNC?!”

It’s hard enough for people to unite under a party, but to ask people across the country to somehow get involved and change the corrupt bureaucracy of their party and the inner workings…like, WTF do you want me to do? It wasn’t the Democrats that wanted Biden, it was the weird-as-fuck administration within the party that somehow told us Biden is all we get, and the Dems just took it, cause fuck if everything isn’t a complicated shit show in this world from Amazon customer service to my local DNC members…

Trust me, I don’t want to sound like the average reddit nerd, but it is very true that out neoliberal capitalist society has grown even more Kafkaesque. Our time and money is stretched thinner, and thinner, and as our energy and hope wanes, we are asked to also volunteer for your local Democratic Chapter, to work even more, just so we can maybe try to vote against the overlords…man it’s bad.

But more than that, he ate minutes like few others do during most of his career, and his ability to do that is an often overlooked, but incredibly important part, of why the team was so good for so long.

I think this says a lot about why he’s an amazing player, and will get his number retired in Pgh, but as far as the qualities that get him to the HOF, he might be lacking the consistency, or stand out seasons/style to get him in. I’m not really sure myself though. When I think of HOF defensemen like Lindstrom, Bourque, they go WAY back, and you’d have to imagine more modern day OffensiveDefense players would be considered in a different light. 5 assists in one game? Or was it 6? Setting records like that have to mean something for HOF. I don’t know but I would love to see him get in. He’s been a well known player for years, and I do think longevity is taken into account sometimes with these things, especially when you see a team so confident in him they keep him signed throughout his career.

With Sidney’s year last year, a lot of respected former players and coaches started talking about him being in the top 5. Gretzky, Lemieux, Howe, Orr, Crosby. The thing is, people like to have a top 10 instead, to include guys like Maurice Richard, Phil Esposito, Mark Messier, Jagr, etc.

Sidney Crosby in the top 5 is spectacular, being in the top 10 is still incredible, and in no way does a disservice to him considering the company he is in.

Current best on the Penguins? Sidney Crosby is still by far the best, followed by Malkin. You might as well put Letang at #3, but guys like Michael Bunting and Marcus Petterson are real close.

It’s really difficult to say as we see older players decline, or have trouble adjusting to new lines. Rust is a great example of a player who still has a lot of talent, but might not play to his fullest, or, finds a way to rebound and be a huge part of the offense. A lot of people have been swearing by Nedelkovic(spelling is prob wrong), our back up goalie who had an epic hot streak last year, but he still needs to prove he has what it takes in the long run.

Long story short, this is not a championship team. It’s not a team where you can admire resumes. It is a constantly changing team that you have to sit and observe. Aside from Sidney Crosby, who is one of the most reliable players in the league right now, everyone else has a lot to prove next year.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh. Shhh shhhh shh.

Just go to another subreddit man. It’s not gonna stop when you keep posting rational takes. Just ignore them and take down the post. SMH.

You know nothing about Wayne Gretzky. You can’t pad 2,800 points. He’s WELL known to put the puck on anyone’s stick for a goal. It’s why he has 100 assists every year for 11 straight years(spanning 2 different teams) with Lemieux being the only other person to do it more than one season.

Don’t trash Gretkzy. It’s a bad look.

WHO? Who the fuck said that? Send a clip. Please. I never heard anyone say McDavid is #2 behind Gretzky. Are you guys smoking too much? McDavid literally tied Gretzky(and Mario) in a couple records this year, so it’s inevitable that #99 would be brought up, but nobody with an ounce of respect puts McDavid as #2 all time. McDavid had an all time great year, and he deserves props. That’s it. I seriously have no clue who this mystery people are that “put McDavid above Sidney Crosby” etc. What middle school run podcasts are you listening to?

Did any if you go out to watch the playoffs in Pittsburgh this year? I made it to the casino for a couple games and Rolands for a couple, but I need to meet some other hockey fans in the city!

Like I said, I’m not having this convo on here, but as soon as you said Oilers weren’t one of the best 5 teams…they literally made it through 3 best of 7 rounds to get to the finals. They were the best in the West by that standard. I think you are over hyping the Penguins 2008, and underplaying the teams that McDavid has been on. It would be naïve to say that Drasityl had no effect on McDavid getting to the points he’s had. You would be ignoring years of hockey where they were seem as the best duo on the ice. The closest Sid had to that was Jake, in the latter part of his career. That’s incredibly important.

I agree with you at the end of the day, but your claims that Sid’s leadership is “moving the goal posts”, or that McDavid has had nothing but bad luck teams, and Sid has always had the best teams built around him, they are exaggerated, and a lot of fans and even NHL players would poke holes in them. Not saying you don’t have an argument, but it’s not as ironclad as you think.

Tell me again, because you switched it over to Mcdavid’s perspective, How does Sid have NHL teams built around him, AND two Olympic gold medal teams, AND World Championship team. Are they all run by the same owner? That’s a lot of luck. At the end of the day, intangibles still exist, and it’s what you’ll hear former greats talk about.

Lastly, I appreciate the debate, but I won’t chime in again, not because of anything said, it’s just too in depth to type about, but good on ya!

I can handle a bad team after 2 decades of Sid. What I can’t handle is some jag off making excuses like, “Yeah well we had Sidney Crosby, and he was better than any of your players, so we are still a better team…” SMH