What kind of “support” does your husband need to go see HIS family?

Gary, acquired any new stones lately? 💗💗💗

I’m having lymph node transplant surgery on March 26. Did you mention you had surgery after the debulking procedure? (50th patient having surgery at their hospital). What surgery did you have? Could you tell me about that experience? I’m happy to hear about your good experiences!

Yes! We’ve gone kayaking specifically to see gators up close. We don’t disturb them, just enjoy them.

A yummy tummy 🥰

This is incredibly cute!! I had to enlarge the picture to get a better look at the hippo. 🥰

How about foster to foster fail? He’s a good boy.

I believe they are plated. I only wear them for special occasions so I haven’t had any wear and tear on them yet. I have cleaned the stone with a jewelry cleaner and soft brush and they look beautiful.

Wostu and DovEggs. I hear people are pretty happy with DovEggs brand.

I bought two from Amazon and I’m very happy with them.

Otselic River in Whitney Point. Very slow current and an easy drive from Binghamton.

Guns and Roses November Rain.

You do not touch curly hair !! Don’t even look at it!!