I have two half sisters. I was not only sexually assaulted and raped by one of my half sisters friends but also kidnapped and beaten almost to death by her ex-boyfriend. Afterward, I was tortured by her and him, and not only was her ex-husband present, but she also involved her kids and put them in danger. Before she had her kids, they used to do the same thing to me when I was growing up. All the way back to "Pre Kindergarten" long before she had her kids. They have been repeating that form of abuse all of my life.

As for the other half sister, when my memory returned from all the head injuries, off and on for over 40 years, and the incidents were documented. They were not only taken by them and the group but they distributed them to people in their inner circle and mysteriously vanished. The abuse started over a bedroom when I was a baby. It started taking place when my parents were working mostly. I am the youngest child. One is 6 years older than me, the other is 10 years older than me. I spent many times either restrained to a bed by Handcuffs, Chains at a very early age in life "Pre Kindergarten to be exact." I also spent a lot of time in the crawl space of a house when I was a very young child.

People involved continue to gaslight me to this day or have people control me by triggering traumatic memories of events leading to my abuse when I was a very young child.

It was even a contributing factor to me dropping out of school two weeks into my sophomore year in High School. I won't be going back either because they robbed me of my memory, my youth, and my education by having other students bully me as well.

They received no consequences not even under Californias Torture Laws. People involved went out of their way to make sure I would always be the one who was hurt, or my parents would be hurt or that my pets would not only be hurt but killed.

They also contributed to other kids being victimized as well.

A lot of this took place in California and Nevada even a Oregon.

Richest person I knew works at Meta as one of the executives.

Did you change it the TX fee from USTC to LUNC?

Auto Man

Greatest American Hero

Brisco County Junior

Haunting memories from when they decided to ford the river instead of caulking the wagon.

Misery is enough to Trigger a PTSD episode regarding being Tortured. I already deal with memories and physical pain resulting past experiences on a daily basis. I find it hard to rank any of the other movies after seeing that first image.

Running out of things to buy on there?

Only thing missing is the Oregon group March 4th

They are shaped that way because the Sharks barrel is rifled. It causes the Sharks egg to spin which is necessary for accurate flight because the eggs are oblong in shape.

Protect it from the elements. Paint it cement gray.

What's even more stupid is sharing the umpteen videos of the same video people are complaining about.

For what? We Have lots of houses and properties for sale in the Santiam Canyon Area. Mill City is one of them or just outside of Lyons. They are more than welcome there. Unless he/she likes the coast then I would recommend Newport, Seal Rock area. Toledo is meh but it's close enough to the coast.

There was a time where there was a lot. There is one I won't say their name but not very many anymore.

Have you had their Biscuits that are filled with Gravy or their mini deep dish pizzas?