"What if...what if...this IS canon? Should I watch the rest?"

"Just wanted everyone to know that I have fangs. Here they are. Just so you're aware."

He needs a butterfly net to catch the heart.

"Grab a centuries-long nap, and someone builds a house on you!"

So was that Dad bringing up the rear?

He thinks he's holding his lucky rabbit's foot.

YouTubers never talk back.

"As soon as the photo shoot is over, I will slash you."

"Young man. Hello. Do you appreciate the danger you might have been in?"

I hate Suburban Sasquatch. Like Birdemic, it wants to lecture but is too inept to be credible.

I'll floss later, um, when you're done.

Someone pushed the Whopper Button. This ALWAYS HAPPENS. Can't the crew fix the Whopper Button?

"I know you're not actually out of treats...but I am willing to play the long game. Your move, human. You are, after all, the superior species. It is said."

It looks great overall in terms of building styles, but the grass is a bit too uniform.

She's beautiful and I'm sure she loves her lace bodice and never tries to wriggle out of it.

They always get you at your worst. And everyone makes fun of you when the yearbook comes out.

If it wasn't comfortable, they wouldn't do it. And if they did it and it wasn't comfortable, they'd be sure to let you know, loudly.

Looks very good. I can imagine "I Can't Sleep" might meet this.

"I'm here to kick butt and eat treats, and I'm all out of treats!"

Looks great. Very beautiful use of lighting and reflection.

Movies, good and bad, are flopping because the audiences don't trust the studios any more. Trust is difficult to build but easy to lose.