They are listed here on Amazon. Ignore the price. They were usually $20, not $200. You can see the ingredients on one side.


Neither are actual dermabrasion. They are both similar to Proactiv's original cleanser where microbeads helped with cleansing. That step in a cleanser was really key for my skin.

They'll be here in September. Is that still hot for Moab? Generally, it's a perfect season for Colorado.

Fair. That is still very much rate dependent but clearly you don't mean 1 mi or less walks to waterfalls. Maroon Bells into Crater Lake is likely fine.

The 10 mile hike with 3K feet of elevation (16.4 km/900+ m) from Aspen to Crested Butte is probably too long.

OK, but you did so much research thar I can't help you. Hats off, internet stranger. Hopefully, the right person will see this. If not, ask around locally? Maybe call the nearest town's tourist info center.

Why have I read this exact statement so many times? Mostly before dudes want to head out on a 1K mile + thru hike.

I'm not sure what short to medium hikes are.

I would pick Telluride, Silverton, or Ouray. Far less popular due to the drive from the Front Range. That area of the San Juans makes you feel like you are immersed in the mountains when you get to the top of a peak. It's also more on the way to Moab.

RMNP hikes are pretty but busy always. And as the other poster said, you always need a permit. I would not say RMNP hikes are prettier than other hikes. Those hikes are just busier and therefore more photographed. With more overall photographs, it's likely that some of the photographs are better. More of a numbers game than actual fact.

Basalt/Aspen is also very pretty if you like grey granite. It's definitely busier than the San Juans. Maroon Bells is very popular but if you can do the Aspen to Crested Butte day hike, it is quite pretty. Even just going into You'll need a parking permit or a bus reservation. Mount Sopris is also a nice hike in that area.

All right.

Here we go.

So I have very acne prone skin and I get cystic acne of all things. Sucks.

For backpacking, I take all of my normal things but just in smaller containers. For a long time, before they discontinued it, I use Neutrogena's microderm abrasion machine. I still have some of the pads (that have cleanser within them) left over. If not those, I take a travel size shampoo container of Loreal's Bright Revitalift cleanser.

Whatever cleanser works for you: get a travel size shampoo container and then squeeze out X amount of days + 2 days worth of product into the container. This will ensure you have enough while keeping weight down.

I always take a moisturizer and the specific sunscreen my face skin tolerates. Same procedure with squeezing out the correct number of days into a travel sized bottle.

Make sure you keep all of these in a combined liquids ziplock.

Definitely maintain your skincare routine because backpacking is about feeling healthy and enjoying yourself. Any time people give me shit, I'm like: acne flares hurt and itch. It's about my health and comfort on trail.

Also, highly recommend a buff or trail towel to wet and remove salt from your skin. I usually do it at lunch before I reapply sunscreen to my pale ass skin. I have to avoid really scrubbing at my skin with fabric or my acne flares. I can blot it dry and also blot off sweat, though.

Not the best food but I always enjoy people watching at an Illegal Pete's bar. Broadway is my favorite. Their fried fish is nice if you've never had it.

Well, now that you learned a lot more about Rule 1, that's a kind of cool looking break. Naming things = diagnosing, turns out. Pretty much definition of.

Hope you get a good ortho and heal well.

Tucker is innocent. Soccer injury based on OP's comment elsewhere.

  1. If your sports bras are nude or white, consider getting a "non underwear" colored sports bra.

  2. Built in bra top athletic shirt? Things like a yoga top? You do want it still to be wicking.

  3. Take a camp towel. Wrap your clothing in your camp towel. Really, really, wring it out. Twist every inch of it up extremely tightly. Let towel hang dry overnight. Put the bra in your sleeping bag so it's getting warmed up by your body as you sleep. Again, you want to really wring it dry before doing this.

Repeat the wring out process if needed in the morning.

That bra should be dry enough you can wear it.

Take just one, good wicking bra for hiking and wash it.

Use one that you won't wash at all for wearing around camp. It's not getting sweaty with just camp chores.

We know but multiplying by 9/5ths in your head is not as quick as doubling a number in your head. That's why people double it.

Do you include strength work as well? I agree with all the ideas you listed as well. Seems solid.

Same story but me and my Nike Zegama.

Never had problems doing the same thing in my Saucony Peregrines?

Mine is literally hike dependent every time. I carry a filter on most trips and map year round water sources.

Food sometimes. No food sometimes.

Layers depend on the weather. I am usually cold so I end up wearing my layers on most hikes and then removing them as I hike. No harm in starting warm.

I don't take fire on backpacking trips unless it's winter and I'm snow farming. Definitely don't take for 3 season.

First aid kit on a day hike is rare but also I have fallen maybe once in the last 5 years. I just don't fall hiking.

I hate this so much and yet this instantly will be stuck in my brain forever.

Ohhh. When the kid pretended to be spewing blood on the crowd but instead accidentally doused his very new and shiny MacBook in fake blood? Will Pete ever live that down? Probably not.

Love that you call it Blackout Alley. We call it Blackout Block.

It's the actual nice wood bar vs Bar Bar's former tarp over the women's restroom or Lion's Lair black floor era before the remodel.

Scruffy's looks nice when it's a quiet Tuesday vs how Scruffy's actually plays out on any Friday night.

Lab reports from young scientists are...kind of like listening to elementary school band. A pre-emptive double drink du jour really helps.

I teach HS Google Sheets. Currently, you can add error bars but they have to be the same length to each bar in a bar chart. Can't be individually plotted on a line graph.

Agreed that The Crypt is dark but it's definitely living out its aesthetic. A nice, clean bar with ambiance for your goth girlfriend.