Hell yeah. Luckily I had an albino initial spawn but no dime. Grind only took 4 days or so but almost every respawn was a lvl 3. Finally got one and it scored 239

.300 blk is gonna be the least used out of this pack 100%. Going to be immediately outshined by the .243

You can do it bro it's not that hard

What are some strange possible maps that could be made?COTW

Like a map you know will never happen because it's just odd. I've thought of a map in Virginia that could have elk in the west, and sika deer in the far east.

worst kind of troll bro ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Not at first. Need to kill a lot before you see them

Moradi. Takes things down damn near instantly. Should be a class 9 gun

Penetration 100%. Double lung does way more damage than one

Something 2-6. The .243 is the best gun for class 2-3 and there's no other gun like it. We need something to match it or better

Mocha moose is a mission exclusive moose that you can get in te awaroa. Moose aren't anywhere in te awaroa, it's the only one


Been trying to HM but so far I've gotten no respawns as 2s

There is no "best" horse. The best horse is the one you like the most. Play it blind and don't rush through the story, take time to explore. Also get the Legend of the East satchel, it's pretty hard to get through the game without it.

If you're on xbox you can just make a new account and start from there. I did that and it was honestly hard since I was used to having all the perks and skills. Also because I couldn't just fast travel to everywhere. Also, there could be tons of initial spawns that you might not have found that would just be deleted

Any tips for barasingha grinding?

I've tented all my lakes that have males but haven't done the river yet. I feel like I don't have as much zones as I should, especially since I only have 3 zones with males on the river and one at the large lake in the far south west. My respawns are mainly 3s and small 4s. I only shoot one per herd since it is hard to make a second shot as I'm on console.

Tips on snow leopard hunting?COTW

Found a level 6's feed zone and am currently waiting for it to come back. I'm struggling to find much. Haven't seen other tracks or need zones from other leopards.

Cattleman. It's the fastest


.243 is more powerful


Use the .243. Best gun for class 2-3

It does. Haven't thought about that. But i'm pretty sure the suspenders are still there on that outfit

It's easy to 100% but has some bad customization

Nope. Just get some suspenders that match your shirt so it blends in