Like, you're asking who the best hand to hand fighter in human history was?

Well never know obviously, but if the legends of someone like Hercules, Beowulf or someone were even half way true, probably someone like that.

Barring that, probably Fedor, since he is probably the best heavyweight in the history of MMA. Others that might fill that role. Nagonue, Learner or Frank Mir.

Line weight classes exist today, it might be best to classify historical figures into categories as well based on how true the stories about them might be.

  1. Myths (probably didn't exist) like King Author, Thor, or the yellow emperor

  2. Epics (might have existed, most stories were probably fake though) like Robin Hood, Beowulf or Sun Tzu

  3. Pre modern martial arts, (most likely existed, but lived prior to the Meiji restoration and major western expansion into Asia) such as mushashi, that guy who invented modern boxing, and Hattori Hanzo

  4. Pre MMA, (definitely existed. Might still have a few myths about them) like Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali, or Mike Tyson

  5. Post MMA (not necessarily mixed martial artists, but who were around to train during the post UFC era) such as Chuck Norris, GSP or Tony Ja.

So the dress shoes are by far, the most uncomfortable dress shoes I've ever owned, and on top of that, if you're fashionable, you'll know those are derbies, not oxfords. Oxfords are both more formal and better looking. Lastly, when properly laced, they are less formal than when straight laced.

So all around its not a shoe I'd wear in civilian dress clothes, and I personally have a better idea in mind for better looking dress shoes.

Google Allen Edmonds 5th avenue for an example of what I'm talking about if I'm unclear.

Yeah. If you think about it, and your metabolism is equated to miles per gallon on a car, someone looking to lose weight actually wants a really crappy MPG because it burns through all the crap they eat.

You can definitely lose weight doing crap like eating nothing but Oreos, but it's a lot worse energy you're getting from said Oreos and you'll always feel hungry sense that food is so calorie dense

Anything by M knight shamalangadingdong, ie the others, the 6th sense, unbreakable.

Star wars, the empire strikes back

Fight club

American Physcho

So obviously you can't judge historical figures through modern ethics. If you did, no historical figure would live up to the hype.

I think he's one of the best descriptions of a classical Democrat aka a populist.

Economically, foreign policy wise, etc he's a Democrat.

Socially, gay rights, abortion, so on, he's Catholic.

Yes but also I did note the main, every man, form of transportation.

Horses were never replaced by bikes. Planes actually came before cars, and didn't replace either.

Also to be fair, short of teleportation, I don't see cars getting replaced by anything. There's no actual benefit to flying vehicles if everyone gets them, since we still would have traffic, just in the air now.

The next evolutions will be better cars, not hovercrafts or whatever. Self driving, carbon neutral, that kind of deal.

But also I see people working at home more to defeat traffic as our next step before getting better cars.

You know, one advantage no one discusses about active duty, and I think a lot of people actually look at it as a disadvantage at the time,

If you're 18 or close to it, an E1-4 ish, single, and active duty. You're whole life can fit in that seabag and it's all you really need to survive.

Kids wanna blow their bootcamp money on an entry level sports car. Get a PS5, a designer watch and whatever else they can think to blow their money on, and that's not even getting into extra uniform shit like brown boots, peacoats and unique belt buckles, t shirts, patches or caps.

You don't need 99% of that crap. And it's a liability, not an asset when you get to a ship.

Why I'm mentioning this:

The navy says you need 2 sets of NSUs. Id tell you once you're done with A/C school, unless you're in a very specific billet like an instructor, RDC or recruiter, you probably need 1, if that.

OP definitely doesn't need to start buying spares, let alone getting make shift ones from dickies. Just eat the cost of one set and move on.

Hell id suggest for any fresh out of bootcamp person that they'd need a few sets of work out clothes, a "going out" outfit (maybe one casual and one dress casual, ie hanging out vs dating), a swimsuit, and a suit if they don't wanna wear dress blues to fancy things outside the military, a nice ish watch they can wear in civies and in uniform (if they wanna be flashy), and really that's it on the civilian clothes part.

Is there a special store you go to get the fuzzy hat and coat? The cane and Cadillac I figure are normal buys but I don't see many not managers wear the fuzzy hats and coats

Being tall makes you naturally better at kickboxing. Just because someone is tall doesn't make them a bully or mean they should fight a weight class higher.

Is what it is.

Love, a short guy.

Aesop Rocks 2nd verse in none shall pass.

Slugs 3rd verse in Atmospheres yesterday

Fat lips 1st verse in what up fat lip?

So I would estimate that to outsiders,

Martial arts is either 1. All the same, by that I mean what you learn in karate is virtually identical to what you learn in krav maga is virtually identical to what you learn in Judo etc etc. the exception being weapon systems that they've heard of (fencing and kendo) and systems native to their own country (for the US, boxing and wrestling) for this same reason, it's why some people don't realize boxing or wrestling counts as martial arts, or why you hear people refer to the karate kid as a kung fu movie, or a kung fu class as a karate class. It's all the same.

Or martial arts are 2. Jiujitsu and Muay Thai are the best because of MMA and everything else isn't worth challenging. And since they're the big tough guys that they are, challenging any other style isn't worth their time.

Also I'll say this, in 20 years of training, I've seen a school challenged exactly 3 times, which I think is probably a high number for most people. Yes the internet shows it a lot, but I think it's a pretty rare occurrence.

So there's actually a whole YouTube channel dedicated to exactly this topic. Typical breakfast lunches and dinners of all classes of people.


But it's basically the same thing that defines American food now, without the corn syrup, foreign influence or insane portions.

But a broad example. An American farmer 1775:

Oatmeal or milk broth for breakfast.

An apple pie and a pint of beer for lunch (something he can keep in his pocket and eat out in the field. Also an apple pie is more like the gas station turn over things, without powdered sugar, cinnamon or corn syrup. It's literally apple slices baked into crust)

Dinner, watered down rum, served with game he might have hunted that day, along with something his wife may have prepped from the vegetable garden and bread she baked that day.

Meat from the farm, or eggs would be a rarity. Desserts like cake would be virtually eaten only once or twice in their life.

And most importantly, it's Akira Kirsawa's 7 Samurai, one of the most important martial arts films ever made.

Not that you can speak for a whole race obviously, but would you say that black people in this country don't celebrate the fourth?

Do you celebrate Independence day? (Assuming you're American)

Only recently has Juneteenth become a bigger deal in the US (at least among my community) and the right is not exactly happy with it. The way it's shown to me though is that it's a lot of the same celebration as you'd traditionally do on the 4th. Cook out w/family etc.

So, sir ma'am or chief, I'll respectfully share a story with you from my days as a seaman.

I mentioned to an second class I was in school with off hand that I was gonna get some black Dickeys trousers as an extra pair for my NSUs and even see if their khaki work shirts were close enough of a cut.

His exact words, which I've taken to heart with many good ideas in my navy career since then: Try it, see how it works out for you :)

It was a warning more than it was an approval. If I were to try something like that, the ass kicking that would come from the result of it would not be worth the money I saved.

.... For your purposes, sir ma'am or chief, I would respectfully suggest that the khaki color won't be exact, nor would the the cut. And I'm not even getting into the logo on the back pocket, and you'll likely find a master chief, Commander or higher with something to say regarding it.

But hey, that's just me. I'll go back to mopping now. V/R.

TLDR: oops I made a serious answer.

Well, I'll say this. I'd consider myself fit ish. I'm 31, eat not amazing but more healthy than most and am in the gym 4-5 times a week. I'm not a competitor in anything, but compared to most Americans my age, I'm much more in shape.

I knew a Pakistani guy in his early 50s that ran his own restaurant and ate goat curry with a thick oil on top as a meal probably more than 10 times a week.

One time at work, we all weighed ourselves to make bets on how close people could get. I was bigger than him by 40 pounds, even though he had a beer belly bigger than I am wide.

Sure mine is more muscle. And I am also an inch or so taller, But also if he just gave up that oil based diet for a month, he'd probably shrivel to 155 pounds or less....

Anyway. I guess my point. You can live for decades on a terrible diet. But it's not an amazing way to live. If homeboy here cut out hotdogs to a cleaner meat, and veggies, he'd probably have nasty bowel movements for a week and then suddenly be more energetic and happier than he's felt in years.

Assuming you're an American, learning any language outside of English is notably difficult due to exposure not being prevalent in our country.

Except for Spanish in the south west, French on the border of Quebec and Louisiana, and pockets of those two languages and more in various communities in either major cities, or their own minor cities , (ie Chinatown in San Francisco, Spanish harlem, west, Texas or Lancaster, Pennsylvania) it's actually a lot harder to hear foreign languages than other places on the earth. It's also not helped that when travelling, English is the most popular defacto language travellers are encouraged to learn (along with mandrin, French and Spanish, pending where you're going)

I am a hobby linguist that barely speaks Spanish, but it's because I've worked with several only Spanish speakers in my career, took Spanish 1-4 in highschool, and studied Spanish on the side to help.

Had I just buckled down, and truly went to Mexico for a few weeks, I would have learned a lot faster and a lot better than being half way interested in learning for a decade.

Also note that every language is ranked 1-5 on how difficult they are for English speaker to learn. Spanish, French, Italian are all level 1. If you're only interested in learning Japanese, bantu, or Navajo for example, it's going to be a lot more challenging for you because the writing, grammar, similar words and expressions will be more foreign to what you already understand.

Other common choices though you can't really go wrong with. The Corolla, the accord or civic, the forte, and the sonata or Elantra

Who knew the world of hot dog eating contests was so drama filled? I only knew that one weird KotH episode guest starring kid Rock