It is in my state, and its not particularly uncommon either. The trouble would be finding the right cemetary.

I'm curious, how much would an old school glass tank be over there? Something like the north american standards 20 or 55 gallon? Roughly 85 or 210 liters for metric.

"Hes anxious and badly behaved because hes a rescue." When its really because they are still neglected. Its would almost be better if the dog just got put down instead of being rescued to be abused for years.

"I've kept goldfish alive in a bowl for years, they are so cheap i don't mind buying a new one every month."

Thats why i want a natural burial. Plain wooden box, stick me in the ground and plant something that will get big like an red oak right ontop.

I wouldnt worry about it, any dripping are just going to burn right up when they hit hot coals. You just want to take it easy on the salt in whatever you baste with.

It will make the grass stay green all year!

I would change up some of your livestock. Looks like you only have 2-3 of each species unless some of them are hiding? Those are all schooling fish, they will be more active with more of the same species. 6 or more is usually a good place to start but more is better. You didnt say how many gallons, Im assuming its something like 10-20 gallons, you want to stick with 1 or 2 species so you can have that bigger group of fish all roaming the tank together.

For plants, i would try to fill out the back some more. Stem plants are great because you can chop them up and spread them out.

Take the full payout and buy another used car in similar condition. You are getting paid only $1440 less than you bought it for, you effectively got a lease for $24/month at 1000 miles per month. Take the money and run, start the whole process over.

I think i watched a couple setup videos too trying to figure out why it was leakimg every time i went to prime it.

I think you might want to give then anothe dose after a week, its tough to get rid of completely. Make sure you take any carbon out of the filter.

Sounds like the treatment was working but you didnt give it enough time for the cysts to die out completely. You want to keep treating for a couple weeks after you stop seeing spots to make sure it has completely died out. Raising the temp will speed up the lifecycle but still give it the extra time to be safe.

Others even throw their hair in there, go for it.

Not sure why you are wanting to keep the betta alone? Most bettas do great in a PEACEFUL community tank, just do some reasearch and avoid fin nippers.

You might want to consider mystery snails, don't believe the horros storys about them devouring plants. Keep them fed and they are great at trimming just the dying stuff for you. You might also like pygmy corys, peaceful little guys and they will tend to stick to the bottom and leave the top for the betta.

The only problem would be the temperment of the individual betta, some are just terrorists that try to attack everything, but its pretty rare.

A female sorority might also work, but thats something you want to research and figure out if you think you can make it work.

I agree with going with a slightly bigger than needed filter. Never run a filter on a tank at the top end of its advertised gallon range. Go with the next size up.

Well, you dont want want to throw an FX series on a 10 gallon tank, but generally buying the next size up from recommended is a good way to go.

Ive got another tank on the other end of the room with a second hand tetra HOB, I can't hear the cannister filter over that unless I open the cabinet and stick my head in there. Buying a cannister was definitely the way to go just for the aesthetics. Plus I have cats I dont want getting into the cabinet, if i ran a HOB it would be far enough from the wall they can squeeze in there. Got an inline UVC filter too, all this in a 37 gallon Walstad setup. A little overkill never hurt anything, right?

I can hear it if i hold my ear up to it, its definitely quieter than a HOB filter or airpump.


I had a hell of a time setting up my 307 recently, I could not figure out how the gasket went on because i was just being too stubborn to read the instructions. After i put it on there right I didn't have an issue afterwards.

Edit: clarifying for OP: if you go with fluval 07 series, the 207 will be enough. I've got a 307 on a 37 gallon and had to back the flow down by 50%. My poor ember tetras were struggling.

If you want to save yourself some work shredding it, wet it first. You can shred it when wet, or let it dry out again. If its re-dried you can even pull the individual layers apart pretty easily.

Size is goimg to come down to your judgment. How big is your pile? How much are you turning it? How fast do you want it to break down?

Don't forget they can raise the prices whenever they want without having to reprint the menus.

How old are they now? Looks like they're almost big enough to find some new homes, they look healthy.

In that case, you mightve just done the bartender a favor. They get to practice something new and hopefully its more interesting than the stuff they make over and over. This is assuming the place isnt packed so the bartender has a couple minutes to look up the recipe.

You can absolutely call 911, it is a safety hazard so it is an emergency.