This is freaking hilarious, not the picture but the morons that gripe about a ridiculous joke.

Wait… so Trump really signed the Declaration of Independence?!

This project bull crap they keep circulating. They’ve maxed out their Trump bashing so now they have to use scare tactics

Medusa was a Gorgon, so “Gorgon were a Greek mythic monster” and Medusa was the name of one of those. She was one of three sisters.

I hate pewdiepie but that’s so dumb to call him Nazi. People are idiots

Is it genocide when the real killer was desease that they couldn’t control or had no idea would affect them? Yeah they mistreated and killed the native population but what killed them the most was small pox. So in essence small pox is racist and genocidal. Fuck small pox.

No one is really wondering, they are too busy hating it to care. And I gotta agree with them. It’s hard to watch.

She jumped so high she turned Asian

Is it me or does this thanos look more real?

I think he was concerned actually. He was probably thinking, if I can’t beat this, what does it say about me?

This is pretty cool. You should look up the blade runner Oscar Pistorius. He’s definitely using that athletic prosthetic

Love this! This has to be my favorite

No, I’m just disagreeing with you... it could be either one of those things. Im not the one who said lmao, that was you. I was just stating an opinion about furries.

Congrats you aren’t an idiot, you let the idiot in the lane without tailing him. Gotta say you are rare.

That’s incredible