I like how it's AI so not even its poses are original.

you will rub ze dong

Yeah, because what makes something boring is that it's common.

Tyler the creator reference?

Chadtopian Citizen

I think that Devin Haney is just salty lol. He's the kind of fighter that shouldn't have gotten so far in boxing. He just starts excessively clinching when things don't go his way.

Turns out everything that could go wrong went wrong for the criminal as well.

Don't worry, all the boomers will be gone in a few decades.

How are you gonna be a mechatronics engineer and also get advice from reddit to fix your pc.

Chadtopian Citizen

Dude really does look like a younger Johnny Sins.

That's why they live in your walls. Burning down your house is a good way of getting revenge on the antichrist.

Chadtopian Citizen

If she was the one who caused the injury then she would be satisfied to beat her. Injuries are common in these kind of sports and it is unrealistic to go into these matches believing that you will get out with no problem. These people are trained to not get injured and red belt just did a better job at that.

Chadtopian Citizen

This isn't sportsmanship, if she still wants to fight then unless the referee intervenes they should fight. A victory like this would give no sense of accomplishment.

hump leg, bite femoral artery

Third time's the charm.

wdym this is a good font.

The thing at the bottom right isn't her shoulder.

Damn, it’s like the lines at the bottom are meant for reading or something.

my thought process: “Wtf , weird ass looking cat.” “Wtf someone put a cat head on a perfume bottle?” “WTF”