
Piggy Rolo 🩷 🐖


Yea and she crazy but I love her 😍


Scout is all claws and fangs 🖤

Natural consequences 💅🏽


I think she sounds perfect. Saint has been right around 58 pounds since 10 months (she’s 18 months). I expect she’ll fill out some more in the next few years. Completely healthy, good energy, great appetite. My late female was altered super early and grew huge stature wise -still slim at 80lbs. We are following current recommendations to postpone her spay. Definitely a big difference in growth.


Our void regularly helps herself to the head of the table. Across from my (her) husband

I have never seen bones protruding like that in this breed. Hope you get him checked out and all is ok!

NTA. He strangled you. Doesn’t matter how much time has passed. It doesn’t sound like he has “changed” either. And even if he puts in all the hard work to be a decent human being moving forward, you don’t owe him forgiveness. Shame on your mom. If she wants to be a doormat and punching bag for this abusive jerk, she can choose that for herself. After witnessing him assault her child, and still choosing this yahoo, I would create as much distance from that relationship as possible.

Her fangs and claws are usually on display


Our oldest, Scout is almost 7

I try to only bathe “as needed” for our GSD. Her skin is sensitive. She’s an inside dog and usually only requires a bath every couple of months. Bathing strips the oils from the skin and fur so you have to be careful not to over do it.

Our pup is almost 18 months and we only feed twice a day. I would check with vet about the digestive issues, loose stools aren’t normal. May need to make a diet change. Our GSD diet includes kibble and homemade (Turkey/beef/veggies/organ meat). Until vet rules out any other issues you should probably hold off on changes.