Give them a fist bump and exclaim, "DAMN THE MAN! SAVE THE EMPIRE!"

What do you mean by "Villian is elite?" I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Eeeewww. I hope you took that nice set up to return the favor—"I don't like attitude problems, are you considering keeping yours for the entirety of our date?"

See also, "I hate my ex, they ruined my life/I hope they get hit by a bus/etc." Anyone who talks shit about an ex on a first date does not understand the assignment. Dude on a date missing his ex and dude talking smack about his ex on a first date sound like a match made in a psych hospital boiler room.

Wait wait wait hold up... Elite? The whole album? What does that mean? Literally? Metaphorically? Thematically? In relation to accessibility? Or as it relates to social strata and class systems?

KI am genuinely curious but I must admit, there's some trepidation about where this pirate ship is headed, but not enough to dim my curiosity nor lift the thick fog of confusion.. So confused right now...

Perfectly stated.

I never understand fans of Name A Band who loved Debut Album and Sophomore Effort, but then Third Matured Sound Album drops and for the next 17 yrs, those fans harangue Name A Band' for another album that sounds exactly like Debut Album/Sophomore Effort. But Name A Band already made those albums, they cannot make another album exactly like it because they made the already! Do these fans not understand they can listen to those albums on repeat ad infinitum?

"I did way more than six drugs!" is a hilarious response to a cookie cutter question in an interview, but as a professional musician and bandmate's brand statement, it's dangerous and scary and more than a little bit sad and pathetic.

I can attest to this for a fact. I bought three copies over the past two yrs using the isbn # of the first copy I bought whenever it first showed up in Barnes & Nobles or Borders Bookstores in the US, I believe it was March 2001, but I might be off by a month or several. Anyway, all three were the full color remastered editions sold as "New, Softcover Ed." on Amazon. I believe MZD posted once about this on his website, but again, I'm not positive... Even if he did once, there's no guarantee it's still there.

I don't recall writing this comment, but goddamn, this really sounds like I wrote it... Domesticated Animals is my favorite song on Villians, and one of my most listened to QOTSA songs. I'm happy Joshua finally got to put his "I'm like the captain of a pirate ship" analogy into a great song. The vocal harmonies make me so happy.

That album dropped at a very weird time in my life and it was exactly what I needed. Is it my favorite? IDFK, it was there for me when I needed it, and when I needed it, it was the only thing I listened to for close to a year.

I wish Josh would pronounce his last name right. Because he says I'm Joshua Homme-sounds-like- "Homey Da Clown" and it's höm, man en francais. Joshua Homey Don't Play That is such a Josh dad joke, he should really use that for max groans.

I have a close friend who was a cop while in grad school, he signed up for concert duty because he got paid to go to shows. Apparently more "ambitious" cops felt like it was beneath them & took it out on JMU kids (in VA).

I've never seen them live; I thought for sure I was okay with that at this point cuz I usually don't find myself enjoying bigger venue shows. But watching the videos from this tour, I'm sure I was so fucking wrong. Regular John has never let me down. The opening chords make me feel invincible makes me feel invincible. WTF is my damage? Witnessing Regular John live would justify all sorts of nefarious undertakings. Like Wisconsin in Oct.

I feel tortured! Terrorized! Yeah!

WHOA. Filthy, gratuitous, von sexron flex. There's so much cool on that stage, somebody might have to be a hot mess dumpster fire of a human sacrifice. I volunteer.

That's a fantastic analogy and I found it very helpful. I don't know, it gave me some insights I'm gonna think on. Thank you for sharing that, it gave me clarity.

Or a shot. Of cocaine. Straight to the vein. Crack and lemon juice, whatever... Some people, like me, don't drink because drinking is always a suicide attempt. I don't want you to feel bad. I want you try and understand what kind of person you are right now. Is it the person you thought you were? Do you care who you are? You sound like you don't give a shit about yourself. I'm sorry you're hurting. Taking it out on others will never help. But maybe you should have a shot.

Break shit. Hopefully just the recycling, but... Not a perfect track record. Better that the drugs & cutting & etc I used to get up to. I don't hurt people. Not physically, nor intentionally in any way, I'm not even a violent person... I just... Can't not break stuff sometimes.

Ewww gross. I hope not. That's dishonest af. I only mentioned gender because OP is a guy looking to date women. But the point of my question—Most grown ass adults irl would hard pass on dating this person—is the same regardless of how gender might affect the way they're treated in the comments.

Right. "Gay" wasn't your default, otherwise you wouldn't have specified it. "Woman" wasn't your default, either. My default "random person" in most situations is a straight white guy because I'm a 46 yr old white woman raised in an upper middle class suburb on the East Coast. I have spent my entire adult life pointedly anywhere but upper middle class white suburbia because it inspires a level of terrified disgust otherwise reserved only for rollercoasters and mayonnaise, and I'm not straight. Regardless, I still have to make a conscious effort to compensate for the intrinsic bias I internalized a long time ago. There was no jugement there. Just making a point about how said intrinsic bias affects one's perception.

I have only one universal criterion: I will not date a "project"—I will date someone or no one, but I will not date "someone's potential."

Build a bridge and get over yourself. Learn to genuinely love yourself, approach all relationships without goals or expectations, build a fulfilling life. Social anxiety is a lot easier to deal with when your sense of self-worth is not tied to anything external.

This is the only correct "answer"": "These guys seriously think that if they get the right cheat code, they'll win a date." Imagine a woman who wrote this post. Do you want to date her?

Build a fulfilling life. Learn to genuinely love yourself. Social anxiety is a real thing, sure—but it's a lot easier to deal with when your sense of self-worth is not tied to anything external. By my early 30s, I had only one universal criterion: I will not date a "project"—I will date someone or no one, but I will not date "someone's potential."