The role is not Bridesmaid anymore, it’s Bride’s Slave. Why anyone agrees to it and puts up with it is beyond me.

Exactly. If the roles were reversed, and OP’s friend was in the family home, badmouthing all women (eg all women are wh0res , all women are bitches, all women are pigs, etc) would OP’s wife just ignore it? Would she excuse it, because the friend was lashing out in his pain? Or would she be insulted and react the same way OP did?


No, the enabling parents said that Mike’s actions “were innocent” (so he didn’t need punishment). Which is bullshit.

How carefully (one might say, gingerly lol) the kitty cuddles up, wanting to be close enough to comfort but not aggravate any of the dog’s ouchies. 10/10, a fantastic, compassionate caregiver.

Maybe OP’s sister wasn’t really drunk from two beers, maybe the sister was trying to manipulate OP into driving again. You know, the type of person who takes it upon themselves to decide when other people need to just get over it and move on with their lives? Maybe the sister is one of those. I would be interested to know if the sister has ever discussed getting back behind the wheel with OP…

There’s a dog in pic 7. No idea if it is alive or stuffed.

NTA. Ask her why, if “family supports family”, does she not support your dream for a house? Why is her “dream” wedding more important? It’s like she considers your savings for a house to be free money available for her use, ignoring that you have it earmarked for a specific purpose. She’s the one being selfish.

A soft touch that just got a promotion and a raise. So the assumption is that OP has stacks of spare cash laying around (ie not earmarked for OP’s bills, but useful for the Mooch’s bills)

Maybe remind her that she is, in fact, the child’s parent, not you. And that it is her responsibility to be primary caregiver to the child, not yours.

He was in a relationship with Cressida Bonas at the time.

I refresh them in the air fryer, gets them crispy again

Olivia is a bully and OP did the right thing by calling her out, in the moment, in front of witnesses. NTA, but Olivia sure is.

They are planning a vacation and a second child because they know that Uncle is a doormat. They have no intention of “getting back on their feet”. They have a good situation (cheap rent, their own guest house instead of a room in a relatives house, big yard, pool) and feel secure in Uncle never kicking them out. They are in moocher heaven!

Dunno if they are good or not but Pizza Pizza has added curly fries to their menu