The trick is believing the results of your research, and not bending it to better fit your desires.

Use extremely conservative figures for every calculation.

Brick and mortar is tough, and most folks you see who look successful doing it had plenty of money to start with. As in, enough money that they could operate at a loss for years and then walk away with nothing in their life changing.

I understand and agree.

It sounds me you have your priorities in order, and needed a place to vent.

My advice is to understand that even though your previous employer won’t back you up, from a work experience standpoint, it doesn’t invalidate the fact that it occurred.

Go out there and interview. Try anyway. When at the table, discuss the fact that the team you left was the most toxic workplace you’ve ever heard of, and you witnessed numerous repeated ethical breaches, and were chased out when you elected to report it after being ignored by your superiors.

It feels hopeless, and you will likely hit the exact roadblocks you fear, but one roadblock does not mean every path will end with the same obstacle.

You will come out of this ok, even if it feels hopeless now. Don’t be beaten down into accepting that your career is over.

This is attorney time, not reddit time.

Before you say you can’t afford it:

You can’t afford not to hire one. Seek out an employment law specialist.

Oh, don’t do business with Chase unless you are wealthy, as in actual wealth. Some of the credit cards are fine, but they have zero shits to give about their basic banking and standard business banking relationships.

Just move everything to any other bank besides Chase, Wells Fargo or BOA.

Username checks out.

I’m all for not giving notice when nothing is gained.

When there are solid relationships able to be retained, I’ll always give notice.

When I’m being taken advantage of, and don’t care about any character references from my peers and supervisors, I just walk away when I feel like it.

It’s an easy bit of nuance that is far superior to “never give notice, because companies don’t give notice”.

The value of the product being paid for is significantly diminished. The price paid for the meal comes with the implication of condiments traditionally offered with the meal.

If I order fries and am told as they are delivered that the restaurant doesn’t offer ketchup, then I’ve wasted my time driving to an establishment with the intentions of eating fries the way i prefer them.

Is it edible? Technically yes. However, using your logic, we should be happy to eat a salad without dressing. It’s laughable, and it’s the opposite of why we pay money to be served at a restaurant.

Trying to invalidate the necessity of condiments is a hilarious take.

Considering it’s one of the few jobs that is universally understood to command tips in the US, this seems like a natural part of the job. Tips come with good service. If implied tipping and autograts are a thing, servers need to be on their A-game when on the clock, not dissimilar from most other customer facing jobs, most of which are not tipped.

Bad reviews without merit are a problem. You’ll always have some Karen’s, but any manager worth a shot can identify those easily by the writing alone.

In the case of OP’s story? Nah. That server deserves a detailed 2/5 stars. If I’m an owner or manager, and a server is performing this way, someone, anyone else should have that job aside from them. Why keep dead weight when someone else can have a shot at doing the job better?

Now, as other commenters have said, this situation can come from either laziness or being slammed.

If the place was slammed, my comments above do not apply. If it was half empty, of course the server should get a dogshit rating and no tip.

10/10 troll. Honestly, great work.

No one, not even the most self absorbed server would think this way. 10 minutes, inattentive service, no drinks before the meal, no condiments.

Other folks are getting heated at you, but I see the humor here. Perfect troll. I hope to see more of this, as servers who actually do think the way you exhibit here deserve the ridicule. Haha.

Thank you.

I challenge you to investigate the depth and breadth of what can be legally done via executive order.

If this is your opinion, you must be very misinformed.

What, precisely, do you believe voting for a third candidate would accomplish in this specific election, 5 months from now?

Lol. I don’t need an excuse for name calling when you repeatedly attempt to condescend with no grounds to do so.

I’m very pleased with the life I’ve carved. I’m also very pleased with my rate of pay from any one of the opportunities I’ve taken over the years.

What makes you think otherwise, other than some warped superiority complex? lol.

I’m not attempting to add value. I’m attempting to help you see that you are attempting to paint yourself as somehow better, when, in reality, you simply choose to govern yourself by a set of rules that even your employer does not follow.

It’s laughable, a bit sad, and remarkable how you believe we are all deluded when you fail to recognize that any employment contract signed with a corporation is not worth the paper it’s written on.

In these same contracts you are discussing here, employers go out of their way to describe the quality work culture and respect for the employee they espouse as their values. All of that goes out the window the moment any business need emerges that is deemed more important than the needs of the individual.

I’ve worked for a dozen corporations in a range of fields. Not a single one of the stuck to their word; the promise of a solid work/life balance, respect of one’s time etc.

Sure, maybe in my senior roles, I may have been afforded some level of personal consideration that began to approach the virtues and ethics they repeatedly claim to uphold. All one needs to do is look at how the lives and time of the entry level or more blue collar employees were treated to understand that it’s all a lie.

Corporations stick to their word right up until it stops suiting them. Period.

Show me one that doesn’t dance all over its own code of “ethics” and I’ll concede it does exist. Even if shown this, it doesn’t change the fact that 98% of companies are less ethical in their treatment of employees than what they require in their employment contracts.

Hit me with whatever logical fallacy discussions you wish. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m playing the game that’s actually being played, while you attempt to play an idealized version of it.

lol. Equivocation fallacy? Ethics? Are you in the US?

My premise isn’t any more anecdotal than your interpretation of where “ethical” lines are drawn in a capitalist economy.

I also operate on contract. That doesn’t preclude me from taking a FTE role that pays $100k, and calls for specialty skill that I can do in my sleep, and all competitors have already automated.

In the interview for roles like this, I’ve even pushed for a 1 year contract to simply automate the role. If a company is dumb enough to turn that down, of course I’m taking that job, automating it privately, and collecting my paycheck.


Ethics. This is fucking gold. It’s like seeing a mormon child catch a glimpse of an R rated film.

Ethics isn’t nearly as black and white of a subject as you’re trying to paint it. It CERTAINLY doesn’t apply in the way you are applying it when the job description deliverable requirements are being met on par with, or exceeding my co workers results.

Sorry, you’re literally shouting bible verses on bourbon street here, my friend.

I have no doubt you are successful. We simply value and define the working relationship differently. I’ve seen what an actual lack of ethics looks like in business. It’s ugly, and it doesn’t look anything like what’s being done here in this sub.

At best, it’s a grey area. Grey areas are where most C-level initiatives begin and end. It’s where almost all of business happens. It’s all arbitrage, middle manning and cutting corners wherever allowable. Otherwise, there is no edge to be had.

If you truly believe in individual exceptionalism to the extent that one needs no edge at all, merely ethics and “being good at one’s job” to get to the top of the earnings pool, you have lived a blessed existence.

I’m not the best in the range of fields I work in. Not by a long shot. Still, I desire to make the money that is normally reserved for those that are. With no reasonable path to where I want to be, I will always, always, burn a new path, as straight and easy as possible, that takes me directly to my end goal.

Life is far too short to do anything else.

Zero chance in hell I’m retiring at 60 with not a drop of youthful energy remaining. I’m main track to be done by 40-45. I have over 15 years of sporadic OE behind me, literally starting in high school. There is zero chance I stop or even slow down when the alternative means retirement in my 50’s/60’s.

THAT is for suckers. My hope is that you, too, will can retire in your early 40’s. It’s my hope for everyone. I’m taking then opportunities in front of me, and breaking zero laws doing it. Ethics doesn’t enter into the conversation as long as my teams see me as a valuable team member that pulls his weight and supports others by doing/automating some of their work as well.

Absolute best of luck with your “ethical” career.

Hahaha. This is gold. Thank you.

I forget that folks like you exist. You truly believe in the personhood of corporations; their ability to be “scammed” by simply not following their codes of conduct.

Thankfully, it doesn’t affect any of us, and none of us are scamming anyone. No laws are being broken, and nothing is being misrepresented.

Employment is an exchange of compensation for deliverables. Results.

If I’m being paid to operate a banana stand, and I fail to do so because I’m texting the entire time, sure. Any of us would buy that this is wrong and theft.

Now, if I’m hired by job A to produce result X and hired by job B to produce Y, there isn’t a single thing, except your warped and craven view of the basic social contract, that can be construed as me failing to live up to my word, so long as X and Y are both delivered on time and to the corporations satisfaction.

It’s funny that you spend the time to comment here. The moral superiority is hilarious when in reality, you’re just seething because others are successfully “gaming the system” you, for whatever reason, feel the need to protect. We’ve been doing this for years, some of us retiring decades before our peers.

I do genuinely appreciate your perspective though. It helps me realize how far people go in their minds to self-soothe the fact that they CHOOSE to play “by the rules” and get left behind at every step.

Good luck playing by the book. i'll just be over here feeling guilty about how rapidly my retirement account is growing.

Bamboo is the absolute worst choice for your purpose, especially because you are willing to irrigate, which opens up a world of options.

This is a rookie mistake. Please don’t make it.

The issue here is a terrible internal tipping policy. This has nothing at all to do with one individual electing to not offer optional compensation on top of stated fees.

It’s simple. Put an 18% auto grat in bold print on the menu. If it drives down business (it will barely affect it) you’re only losing the customers everyone here claims to hate.

Owners and managers being terrible at their jobs and not looking out for their staff is the issue here. Not a perceived cheapskate.

Completely rethink your relationship with this person, and if you want them to be a major part of your life moving forward.

The fact that she would disuade you, even slightly, from filing a police report shows you PRECISELY where she places you in her priorities. She is willing for your financial life to be ruined so she doesn’t feel any discomfort, despite a very illegal act being committed against you.

My family would have to literally beg, not ask, for forgiveness if they ever sided with someone who was committing crimes against me, even in the slightest.

And m sorry your family is going through this, but you are at a point where you have some very difficult decisions to make. If you choose wrong, the rest of your life will look very different.

Do not allow abusers OR their enablers, like your mother, to take up any space in your life. Family is not blood. Family is who supports you. These people, unfortunately, do not.

OP, this is assault and credit fraud. File immediately. Today. Not Monday, today.

You hold 100%, literally 100% of the power here. If you allow this highly, highly illegal abuse to go unchecked, I promise you, you will live to see him hurt other worse, and you will deeply regret it.

Any regret you feel from pressing charges PALES in comparison to what you will feel if you let this slide.

Stop this in its tracks cold. Most importantly, do not drop charges if he apologizes. If he threatens you in any way, even a veiled threat, file for a restraining order based on threats of additional retaliatory assault.

I repeat: take action today. Do not stop until you get satisfaction. Clearly express your fear of further assault to the police.

Finally old enough to have ethanol.

Insurance is a game in which the morals or intent of provider mean very little to the end user.

You need to present cold hard facts that clearly indicate that you have researched all popular competition in a given area, and are able to offer a significant increase in value with your service.

Almost no one is going to care how much you care, how strong your vision is, etc. they will Need to see plainly that you are offering an actual better value, not just a perceived one.

In fact, strong salesmanship can even hurt you here. The folks tasked with acquiring health insurance packages for employees etc. are looking at hard data only.

The way to win is to be the most competitive bid. If you can somehow out-price the big boys, you are truly doing something huge. Showcase that.

If you aren’t offering a better product than the competitors, the market will tell you that very quickly. Listen to your feedback, or lack thereof. If no one is engaging with a product you claim is saving money, there is likely a glaring lack omission in your self-evaluation.

Find an industry vet to be your mentor. Have them look at your offerings and tear it apart. This will be more valuable than 4 years of school.

Almost certainly used for mixing with wood glue to create a filler for teak projects.

Unless I’m ignorant of some medicinal or other practical applications of this specific tree’s sawdust.

Absolutely under no circumstances should you sign this loan.

Not once, ever, should you ever do this unless you have the cash to cover the debt entirely yourself and are willing to pay it all if the primary signer cannot.

This almost never goes as it’s being presented to you.

You will almost certainly end up with a black mark on your credit and certainly deeper in debt than you are now.

Do not do this.

Instead, begin looking for other places to live, in case this does go poorly.

Fairly rare, and an EXCELLENT plant for biodiversity. They can grow into little Mini-groves over time due to the volunteers that emerge from their root systems.

I encourage you to learn about these trees and become an enthusiast. With some care, you can have a truly special stand of fruit that very few have tasted before.