Hey person I've been dating for 6 years. I know I promised to marry you by X time but I can't because of Y.

If you can't keep a promise then at the very minimum talk it out. It's not some insane concept dude.

The issue would be much worse if it was the other way around. "My powerful allies have taken everything, and I feel like this game should be called Total Peace."

The game is already over in the first 30 or so turns of a campaign. The only real threat is surviving long enough to establish a presence.

If you want to see anti player bias, go launch WH2 and play that on legendary. Once you return to WH3, you'll notice how passive the AI is. I want more anti player bias. The game is currently a cakewalk on max settings compared to the previous game.

You're also using a mod and didn't bother to read the changes it makes to the game.

Morathi is a great example. In WH2 you can't think about expanding in the early game at all. You'll take your first province and almost immediately elves in Ulthuan will declare war and send fleet after fleet to eradicate you. Alith Anar starts directly to your east and WILL declare war as soon as he kills the dark elfs controlling his starting province. Mazdamundi will join in a bit later and go after you too, same with the Sister's of Twilight. Your only focus is to not let your capital fall. The other settlements in the province will be sacked an occupied by your enemies. And they will be sacked because you'll be stretched thin putting out fire after fire. Eventually you'll capture enough slaves to where your capital by itself could support a second army. This army will take over Morathi's current job. Now, you can start taking other settlements.

In WH3 it's a pretty straight forward campaign. Kill rebels and immediately move to take out the old Kislev lady who took Alith Anar's place. Then you can either take out the Lizardmen or move to take Ulthuan.

Not sure why you're getting down voted. WH2 is in fact harder than WH3. I want a WH2 difficulty setting for WH3. They could call it Legendary +.

Tbh he shouldn't have made the promise if he wasn't gonna keep it. That's the beginning and the end of it. If I tell you I'm going to do X. I have set the expectation that it's going to happen. If he's not ready to propose he simply needs to communicate it.

Not watching children around pools is how they drown. Everybody hears about the horrible things that happen to others, but we have this main character type of energy that makes us foolishly think it won't happen to us.

You need to have a conversation with your daughter about what happened. Her heart was in the right place but a 7 year old doesn't quite understand what they're doing. This is where you come in and teach her to not summon the might of Poseidon to exact her revenge. You ought to teach your son to defend himself because you won't always be around to protect him. The minute the bully realizes he's going to receive retaliation, he'll most likely calm down.

You've presumably had conversations about the other child's behavior. With that assumption, I'd tell them to teach their child how to behave before another kid teaches him that lesson physically. I also wouldn't punish my child over it. But like I already mentioned, it's critical you talk to your child about it. Overall ESH. The bully and his parents for obvious reasons, your family for not putting the bulling to an end much earlier, and you as a parent for also not stopping it earlier. Your daughter is the only decent person, but she was definitely overzealous in her approach.

Ehhhh, you could have handled that better. I work with a guy like this, but he's older. Every woman over 30 is his wife and anybody under 30 is his son/daughter. It never goes beyond the dumb jokes he makes. He divorces and marries every woman in the building every week multiple times.

You're also setting yourself up for failure in future interactions with your girl. If you're going to hound her this hard over a guy trying to make his tips. She'll be inclined to NOT tell you in the future if she knows you're gonna react so negatively. We teach people how to interact with us.

This is hardly going to be the first time someone does something like this. She's going to encounter situations with other men who actually want to sleep with your girl. You have to trust that she won't act on it. If you don't trust her you'll save yourself a lot of stress if you find a different partner who you do trust.

You're softly TA for letting your insecurities guide your actions.

How many pregnant women do you see out at dark? Also at best they'd end up home telling their people some crazy guy told them what to name their child. You gotta work on your creative writing my friend.

They just put a down-payment on a house. He's already made a muti decade commitment and legally tied himself to OP. Meaning they're making grown ass moves. At 24 they're no longer children either.

I'm not even saying they should be married. Simply that he made a promise that he isn't keeping.

He should manipulate himself into being on time. He's mad you lied but was late for the very thing you lied about. He literally proved he couldn't be trusted with managing his time and a few hours later is making a show of it? I'd refuse to apologize. In fact since he feels that an apology should be made, I'd expect one from him for being a late asshole.

Your brother is a classless asshole. Kicks you out of the wedding last minute after you had invested time and money on it. Then has the balls to DEMAND a gift. Even better, you not only have to get him a gift, but you shouldn't be hung up on being kicked out! That's ancient history! He won't need to worry about the gift because now that you've decided he's not getting one it's 'over and done with'! He really shouldn't be upset about old news and shouldn't punish you for it by getting his flying monkeys involved.

The absolute W here is that upon reflection of your actions, you deemed it wrong and won't act on it again. I'd be concerned if you shrugged it off. Your guilt is putting you down pretty hard right now. Eventually it'll cool down.

Use the slow motion button to give you time to make decisions. Once you've got a good handle on things start using the camera less and less. Eventually do a campaign where you don't use the slow feature at all and take the Ls.

I used to do entire battles in slow motion. Eventually gave myself a limit of 2 slow motion minutes to realign myself when battles got crazy. That then turned into 2 pauses during battles. Then I bit the bullet and took the Ls that were handed to me. It definitely helped make me a better player.

YTA. If your wife wants time apart, you should have granted it with a divorce. The fact that you've let this run for 4 months is crazy. If your relationship is at the point where the other party is openly contemplating breaking it and isn't putting effort in counseling, don't you already have a clear answer? Life's too short bro. Go find someone who doesn't need to put you on hold for over a third of a year to decide if you're worth being with.

Edit: YTA to yourself btw. I forgot to mention that bit. Also for God's sake do not be alone with this woman. If you absolutely must or you want to play with fire you better do it in sight of a camera.

Yeah, you need to renegotiate how your bills are split. How did you even let it get set up the way is currently is?

Imrik, Ku'Gath, Trech, Thorgrim, Greasus, Helman, Zhao Ming. All good options that start near Drazhoath.

Your issue with Nuln ironsides is that they don't have an additional 7.5% damage reduction from base damage attacks?

Raphael. "Of course this mother fucker would star in his own boss battle number" this was my thought a minute after the battle had started and made the realization that he was signing. It's even better when you play the game a second time and hear him referencing the song he'll sign later on.

ESH. Your mother in law sucks for obvious reasons. Your 'amazing' husband isn't so amazing if he can't stand up for his spouse. I wouldn't let my parents talk down on my wife. ESPECIALLY in my presence. It would have been me telling mom to get lost, lose the attitude, and a former apology before she'd be allowed back. I'd also bet everything that my wife would do the exact same should the roles be reversed. It's your husband's inaction that has given your mother in law the encouragement she needs to keep up her bullshit. And you're also the asshole for letting this go on for so long. How did you let this dude put a ring on your finger while letting his mother verbally drag you through the dirt? Crazy.

My biggest one has to do with the community's duality when it comes to AI difficulty. A lot of people want the AI to be better. But when the AI is improved people complain. Then we end up with an AI who will throw armies at settlements that will lose to auto resolve. Even on very hard difficulty. What's the point of Kazarak if he's going to break his army on the walls of Altdorf on turn 7? Or things like the AI sitting just out of range for your army to attack. Now they'll deliberately stop just in range for you to reach them. Now don't get me wrong, I have thousands of hours between the three Warhammer games. I understand the balance changes shouldn't be tailored to players like me who make up a small pool of the community.

On the other hand I do love that CA is adding sliders for people to tailor their campaigns. I believe this is the future to meeting both the needs of more casual gamers and sweaty gamers such as myself.

Overall I'm excited to see where team Sofia takes the rest of our DLC. And for God's sake please add a CoC styled dlc for the Vampire Counts!