Have you seen middle aged women from the soviet union?

Most people, when saying commie blocks, refer to the apartment buildings which were made out of prefabricated concrete blocks, hence the name commie block. Many of the building in your pictures are built from them, but many are not.

In your post, there are some Stalinist era buildings which look fancier (pictures 4 and 5), and which while built in the Soviet Union, are not referred to as commie blocks.

Most of the pictures arent even commie blocks

You stop at a level crossing as it closes. You are not late for work, you miss your shift entirely

If you changed the exhaust, the exhaust manufold pressure duding the discharge stroke probably changed, and so did the pressure in the cylinder during the intake stroke, therefore, there's still a high chance the mixture is off. I would sugest you tahe the bike for injection remapping.

If it's carburated, the carb has has to be tuned again, as the engine seems to be running too fuel ritch ritch.

Be careful in the corners, I know you said you've riden with pillions before, but i would still recommend taking corners slower than you would alone. I did a dumb thing while I was riding with my girlfriend once and went in to a roundabout too fast. The rear wheel slipped and we both fell off, the bike sled and hit the curb. Luckily, we were both fine, but she got scared and didn't want to ride for quite some time after.

I do, in fact, need money

About a year ago a fairly influencial member of parliament was sentenced to prison for taking a bribe. That was unheard of in my country. Getting arrested for a bribe was quite common, but although the law stated that this crime would result in prison time, all of high profile politicians got away with ridiculously small fines. To me, this is a sign that things are getting better in the justice system, at least here in Lithuania. So i think that diferent laws for the rich and commonfolk are not universal, just depends on the place.

Are there any mods to make the economy more challenging?

I've been playing this game on and off for a few years now, and each game i run into the same situation. 15 or so in gane years i become so rich money becomes obsolete, as I can basically build anything I want, and there is no point anymore to try to make things more economical. Are there any mods that make making money harder, maybe decreasing profits from deliveries when time goes on, or creating other challenges wich rewuire money to be spent.

And also, most fruit are acidic, not alcaline

Was the weird kid in class who would play childish games with my friend while other dudes in my class were trying to get laid and shit. Also was short and had a high pitched voice.

You can easily reach Trakai by public transit, you can either take the Train or bus there, takes about 30 minutes one way.

Palestiniečiai Gazoje prie sienos su Izraeliu protestavo blokadą gerus du metus, be jokių ginklų. Kas savaitę juos dešimtimis snaiperiai nušaudavo. Taikomasi buvo ne tik į protestuotojus bet ir į žurnalistus, medikus, kurie ten rinkosi padėti sužeistiesiems. Protestai veikia tik tada, kai protestuotojai turi kažkokią įtaką valstybės politikai. Mūsų sąjūdis būtų pasibaigęs kaip Prahos pavasaris, jei sovietų sąjunga nebūtų pati byrėjusi. Tuo tarpu Izraelio valstybė išsiardyti pati artimiauiu metu nesiruošia, o ir jos užimti niekas iš kaimynų galimybės nelabai turi. Palestiniečiai gali protestuoti kiek nori, bet už tai jie sulaukia ne reformų jų naudai, o dar stipresnio rėžimo sugriežtinimo.

Izraelis okupavę dabar jau praktiškai visą istorinės Palestinos teritoriją, palestiniečių apgyvendintose teritorijose vykdo apartheidą, Rusija tą patį daro okupuotose teritorijose. Valdo ir Rusiją ir Izraelį stipriai konservatyvūs radikalios dešinės partijos, Izraelyje tik kad demokratiškai išrinka. Nėra tikrai tas pats, bet panašumų turi.

Kelis šaltinius teko skaityti, neradau informacijos kurioje būtų minima jog Palestinoje vykdomas FGM. Kažkur kažkiek užsiminta apie išskirtinius pavienius atvejus pietų Gazoje, minint Egipto įtaką. Jei turi šaltinių teigiančių kitaip, pasidalink, nes kol kas kaltinimai nepagrįsti tavo atrodo.

Not cringe at all, love the energy and the fake cgi is quite creative

This cat probably gets better healthcare than 50% of the US

Am a zoomer, have mostly driven stick shift.