Point is— better to know shit is broken than surrounding yourself with people who pretend it isn’t.

Spitting truth.  

So many get caught in this web.  So so many.  Think they are doing the 'right' thing when there is no 'right' to any of it. 

Especially having kids thing.  Life long choices made at such a young age because 'its what you do'.   Realizing to late you painted yourself into a corner and are living what others want.  No what you want.

Please show me these repub run cities that are drug free.  

No idea as we havent even tried. What I do have proof of is billions spent 'fighting' drugs since the 80's and here we are.  Yet you want to keep on with that same old failed approach.   

Why?  What has been successful about it with the amount invested in it?

Another reason why I hate they have merged the xbox and PC backend systems.  Tons and tons of spam from PC accounts.   Which was one of the main reasons I loved the xbox network.   This kind of shit was few and far between.  Now its daily. 

Its also ruined the review/comment system on games.  Nothing but spam bullshit from PC accounts.  Useless now. 

It's usually someone young that just got fired for doing stupid shit.  These same people have zero idea its also HR that got them in the door and hired. Payroll that makes sure they are getting their checks etc.   

They have zero idea what HR really does and that its just the same as all other departments.  HR people get fired for doing stupid shit just like the rest. Having done HRIS as part of my overall IT career, its all the same the shit humans from top to bottom.  We all suck.    

Be thankful you are not disabled in body even if you are disabled in empathy

Damn... thats the canadian version of the souths "bless his heart".   Brutal.   

When you see an older round dude ride by in a bright yellow banana hammock and your first thought is "i hope they have sun screen on". 

Kids don’t think

And those are the ones who end up on the wrong end of situations like this.  Nice of you to think someone at your back door is just a 'kid' who happened to meander mistakenly over a locked fence and then check to see if anyone was home.  

I am sure they were just out delivering soup to their sick grandma and got sidetracked to OP's backyard.

Do a lot of humans need help?  Yes. Will some kill you over $20? Also yes. Which one is peaking in your backdoor at 5:30am?    

I would of loved to see you guys have to grow up during the cable era

I did. And before that with OTA only and before that black and white with little plastic color covers to make it 'color'.  

So i have some perspective.  Current day is absolute shit in content and quality.

Golden age of TV was DirectTivo for its first few years.  The best dvr by light years and still better than anything available by miles.  

It had the best the integration with the platform.  Ex: You could see a commercial for an upcoming show and just hit a button for it to auto record it for you.

The channels actually carried content relevant to their channel.  Discovery was amazing. Science channel was amazing history channel was amazing etc etc. The content was well done and informative etc. 

Today?  All shit. All owned by the same few companies all broadcasting cheaply made shit.  Reality shit shows. Game shit shows.  Copies of copies of copies of old tired ideas etc.  1000's of different providers all with their own fees all with their software all with their own shit dvr all with inject commercials etc etc

Its an overall shit user experience compared to what it was in the 90's early 2000's. 

Yep this here.  Once I found this years ago, its all I use.  Works amazingly well and super easy to sprinkle around the base of the house, done.. 

Front runner fans that prob like a different driver every couple years.

This mindset has always puzzled me. 

So tell us all what is required not to be a front runner fan?  Do you keep a check off sheet or something?   Why does it have to be hardcore or nothing?  

Why cant people just enjoy what they enjoy without the sweaty palm gate keepers coming out in every sport to inform others of what type of 'fan' they are?  

They start to lose meaning after an hour of doing this. 

RUSH..  it shows that they havent been mentioned yet.   Anyone know a rush fan? Yet they have done alright. 


Trading pre market isn’t as easy as “some” say it is

?  Its the exact same process as trading during normal market hours for me. Same screens/choices etc.  

What is different on your platform?

Give me an electric 90's ranger.  For mid 25k. Ill write you a check right now. 

Then wallow in your own self pity over the fact you didn’t get your way. That’s called being an adult. 

I wonder how many Nazis said the same...  slippery slope..

Really don’t care what it is. You can vote how you want but after that it’s up to the way everyone else votes 

But its not. The populace vote hasnt won shit. So now what?

Every wedding he goes to he pays the DJ not to put on Footloose because the day isn't about him.

Hmmm.  How much we talking here?