Warpaints Fanatic Cobalt Metal + Glittering Green may looked like this.

It is. But stay away from two last seasons.

Dude, AK is better than Citadel and AP combined. They easily rival Vallejo in quality, it is the Pro Acryl of Europe. If you haven't heard of them it looks like there's much work ahead of you.

She has OF account, I believe she'll catch up pretty fast.

Highland Miniatures Black Orcs, eh? How do they compare to Citadel ones? I heard you can't buy them anymore, probably C&D from GW.

Models should be always cleaned with warm water and soap, scrub them gently with soft toothbrush. They may be covered with grease used to easily separate model from injection matric and it will ruin your primer.

Because that's what all these things are - bearded axes in fantasy worlds. Spikes here or there do not change anything. Go ask Chaos.

If that's your argument, I honestly pity you thoroughly. I'm referencing words from certified medical expert and your only have slurs? Goodbye.

It's actually how you're supposed to shower (plus the feet). I've heard a dermatologist sayig that everyday you should scrub with soap your feet, groin and armpits. The rest should be washed with water only and maybe once or twice per month a soap or shower gel should be used for the rest of the body. What's funny, he said that most people should do it even after training.

Doesn't matter. Female Astartes would look exactly like male ones. Just look on super ripped female bodybuilders, after tons of testosterone and steroids the only thing that distinguishes them are their fake tits.

You're welcome. And don't worry, I have around 6 different paint ranges and I constantly struggle to thin them properly, because I still forget that thing correct with one brand doesn't go with another. 🤡

Thinning paints is something that needs experience, there are no precise ratios as paints from the same line will behave differently. Even the same paint will need different amounts of water based on age and your room temperature. It's art, not math. This video explains it very good IMO.

The only one embarassing yourself here is you. I continue this exchange because you're quite amusing in your blind arrogance and ridiculous attempts at fortune telling of what I watch on YT. If you don't believe how much GW wanted to control things then you can look at https://investor.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2013-14-Press-statement-final-website.pdf to see arrogance of Kirby. The death of WFHB was nothing more than management misreading the market and signals from fanbase.

But of course the only sources worth watching and listening to are the ones you approve. 🤡

I have my sources, I'm just not not sure I'm willing to waste my time on arrogant brat without any serious arguments. But for the sake of justice, make your own read about Chapterhouse case. Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios, LLC, No. 10 C 8103, 2012 WL 5949105 (N.D. Ill. Nov. 27, 2012) which was the final nail to the WFB coffin.

There are three things you can do to avoid this:

  1. suboptimal thing is purchasing pot holder like this,

  2. optimal thing is to stop purchasing Citadel paints and choose beter options: Army Painter Speedpaints 2.0, Vallejo Xpress Color for example,

  3. make your own contrast paints with ordinary paints and contrast medium.

Username checks out.

Cute. I suppose that's the only argument you're able to produce in defense of company that despises you? How mature.

And of course I need to present evidence only from sources that you approve, eh?

Perhaps the same things need to be talked about again and again, especially when we have multiple options now. It's not 90's or 00's where you could just cry and either buy from GW or abandon the hobby of fantasy wargaming. Reaching to other games or even 3d models and playing Warhammer Battle without GW has never been easier - the more people know, the better.

GW never canceled WFB because people ceased to support it. GW canceled WFB because they wanted to have full control of everything, you can't label "ork" as your property but "orruk" is a different thing entirely, eh? And guess what, T9A exploded and people had a lot of fun. The same with Mordheim, Blood Bowl and other minigames GW destroyed. Nothing goes away and the only people suffering are ones like you who need official support from company.

So yeah, printer go brrrr and have you heard of One Page Rules or Rogue Trader?

You absolutely always add thinner with a tiny drop of flow improver to anything that goes inside an airbrush. No exceptions. No matter what manufacturer says. They lie.

You don't know what they were primed with. If original owner used spray cans then completely eliminating it is almost impossible as spray paint (especially silver) bonds with plastic. Just let it go and paint over it.