The birbs may not be aware of your sacrifice, but we are. o7

Cat face, he's got a big cat's face. And he flies through the air, cos he's got a cat face. CAT FACE.

You just brought back a memory I hadnt thought of in years, lol.

The Leviathans was the point I bailed at. They just seemed to have no fucking idea what they were doing with that concept, and things started seriously meandering.

Oh look, another barrel of potable water!

"FUCK YES! The entire dungeon was worth it!"

I once played in a brutal survival-themed semi-homebrew Dark Sun campaign back in 3.5, and an entire barrel of potable water would have been worth its weight in gold, lol.


To qualify to become an arcane archer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Elf or half-elf.

Base Attack Bonus: +6.

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow or shortbow).

Spells: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells. "

It used to be a prestige class in previous editions, with a few caveats for joining.

Calm down! Its not like I was teleporting bread or anything.

Gotta be as fucked up as clones of yourself.

That's fucked up? I have done nothing but clone colonists for years now in my current run. Most of the clones are best friends with eachother, lol.

Pump em' full of skill neurotrainers and a good xenogerm, clone, double your investment!

IIRC the iron is also more concentrated towards the front of the teeth, so that as they chomp stuff the teeth actually self-sharpen.

Beavers are neat.

Its only a tornado if its from the Tornado region.

Otherwise it's just sparkling funnel cloud.

One copy of Monopoly is too many copies of Monopoly.

Na, get a rolling boulder trap.

It might not be as effective, but its a classic for a reason. It has style. Plus, it keeps your pantry safe from any errant adventuring parties.

What that guy said!

I'd still feel the huge surge of empathy/lovebuzz everyone gets, but also it came with a sense of calm and focus. Everyone around me would be bouncing off the walls and I'd just be calmly sitting there happily making conversation.

Cocaine was a big waste of time, lol. I would literally get more out of a stiff cup of coffee tbh.

Speed didnt get me high at all and I just ended up having a SUPER productive day of actually being able to concentrate for once. It was pleasant, but I could not see what everyone else saw in it as a party drug. That makes more sense now in hindsight!

and it’s a night and day difference.

Isnt it just? Like Im lucky I have other friends with ADHD to talk to about it, because it is so hard to put into words the absolute difference it makes.

I only started medication about a month ago and holy fuck, everything is so consistantly quiet, ordered and calm for the first time in 34 years.

I really, really fucking loved MDMA back in college.

About a month ago I finally realised why, lol. I was apparently just self-medicating the entire time.

Impressve, very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen's charcuterie.

Na, fuck that pelican. He deserves all the hate for... checks notes... acting like a pelican and doing what it does naturally to survive. That absolute bastard! /s

People should be asking why in the fuck are all these birds in this small room together. Why the hell wouldnt the pelican do what it naturally does? Fuck the humans in this video, they're the dickheads here, not the damn bird just being a bird.

They'll rip em straight out, but if you remember to magnetize your limbs they'll be easier to reattach afterwards.

The trick is to just 3d print yourself new kneecaps after the first altercation.