
Im mainly thinking if i will be able to drive back home for Christmas or if I need to be worried about being snowed in by december . Thank you to all help !

We generally get a White Christmas once every 4 years, and even then its not enough to impact travel plans. We average ~30in of snow per year...hardly anything to plan around.

I like a few country artists but I don’t understand how mainstream pop-country fans like hearing the exact same lyrics over and over again. Pretty much every song is about the same few topics: trucks, cold beer, dirt roads, small towns and fishing.

Trying to define the entire country genre by a select handful of pop county artists curated by Nashville is extremely disingenuous. It hardly scratches the surface of an amazing genre of music. You could say the same thing about almost any style of music, yet a ton of country even some that was "pop" or on the radio in years past have incredible lyrical depth, and fantastic musicianship.

Country as a genre is amazing, and it's not hard to find artists who rejected the mainstream and use a different sound. Charley Crockett's new album is probably my favorite country release of the year.

Sure, thematically there are going to be some things that Country music can't shake. Small towns, ranch life, manifest destiny, etc... some of it is part of the culture.

There is such incredible depth to Country, Western and Bluegrass and many don't give it the time it deserves.

I don't really like the 4th of July parades because of the heat but will go, I love a good St Patricks Day parade, or The Macy's Day Parade, though I don't think I would ever like to attend the Macy's parade.

Parades are neat. I went to the Doo-Dah Parade yesterday.

had insurance work done on my house for a flood, the remediation team wrote off many of my belongings only to load some of them onto their truck to keep, 12 string Fender acoustic that was my fathers, tools, fishing tackle, etc...

Were these things you wrote off as damaged/needing replaced by the flood? If so they can opt to keep the salvage...they paid you for it.


I find Piada cheaper than most other fast food/quick service options. Its not amazing but the Chef's favorite and BLT Piadas are decent.


Its been probably a decade since I went to Hot Head Burrito, but It was always fine. About the same quality as Chipotle. My theory with some of the places that are always listed is that too many sauce choices, or any build your own place with too many choices is too much responsibility for people and they choose poor flavor combinations.


While not as good as the Ludlow location, I can attest that all Columbus Skylines are top notch.


Is it the apartment complex that owns this land? After the trump flag went up I did some searching and it seemed like a different LLC owned the plot.

Get the tables!!!

It's amazing the level of hate that Sasha has been getting. I remember her being pretty popular when she was in the WWE, and people always complained about how she got treated and never got her moments.

She leaves to do what she feels is better for herself and a ton of people turn on her. It's just crazy that NJPW giving her a title that was pretty much made for her, and giving her a second belt has thrown people into a tizzy. The tribalism is some weird shit.

I think she has been far better than I remembered her being in the ring. I look forward to her mixing it up with DMD. Overall I think she has been a good addition to a solid woman's division that AEW has created.

It's not even close to that bad... As a WCW and TNA fan during those years, AEW is lightyears ahead of both, especially regarding talent.

If the AEW product is not for you...that's totally okay, but I think most people making these posts don't know or don't remember how bad some of these things were.

This seems like something you post if you are either

  1. A troll
  2. Never watched Russo era TNA
  3. Too young/too new of a fan to have witnessed Russo-era TNA or late-stage WCW.
Terrible Taste in Music

It says it right in my flair. Terrible music, and of the artists listed in your post, only The Last Dinner Party is bad enough to enter into my current rotation.

Terrible Taste in Music

Not a big fan of 2024...its been pretty dull so far compared to the past couple years, but here's to hoping the next 6 months change that.


Most have been lost over the last 15 years, and Sports Ohio is about the only one left on the West Side. Ables on Avery Rd is now Apartments, Bash is now Bridge Park, and Wes Broad Golf Center has been closed since 2013 and the building finally got torn down in 2022.

I bought my first home when I was in my mid 20's and its been one of the best decisions I ever made.

Never having to worry about landlords, or thin walls in shitty apartments is something I don't miss. Sometimes the work sucks, or the unexpected costs can suck. I replaced the AC in my first home, and had to do a furnace/AC in my second home, but it all outweighs having to rent, and basically never having to move.

I get that home ownership is not for everyone. I also really like the sense of accomplishment of home projects. From simple things like replacing the fill valve on a toilet this past weekend, or big projects like finishing the basement myself in 2020.

The goalposts will always move if you wait.

Terrible Taste in Music

“When It’s Love” was VH’s second highest charting song of their career. Was it because those songs are the best songs in their catalog (NO) or was it because there was less competition in the mid to late 80s for hair ballads?

I will continue to die on the hill that 5150 is the best Van Halen album. That record fuckin' slaps.

That aside. Hagar was popular before Van Halen, but he was not Van Halen popular. I recall between 1984 and 5150 Van Halen were basically the biggest band in the world. If there were any Sammy fans that didn't already like VH, they would be brought into the fold. There's rarely a better suited match stylistically. Closest comparison I could think of is Black Sabbath and Dio. But of course at the time VH was on a whole other commercial level.

I feel like Hagar gets a bad reputation, and there always seems to be a bit of a butt of the joke to Van Hagar, but the dude had a very successful solo career going. I got to bring up Sammy a week or so ago on this sub, which is rare because I don't feel he's very popular with the type of posters we have here. Dude was a solid musician, but working with Eddie launched him into a new stratosphere.

Edit* I have not seen the doc...I just really love Van Halen and Sammy Hagar (as well as Diamond Dave).

Like why would you go to Barnes and Noble when you can stay home and have a better experience buying books from an impersonal retailer from the comfort of your couch?

Because going to a store and physically touching/looking at the objects you want to buy is a much better experience, and you can get a book without a torn/damaged cover like most books I receive off Amazon.

B&N isn’t doing themselves any favors by removing the places to sit and hang out. Removing them isn’t forcing people to buy books from them any more. All it does is create an environment that people don’t want to be in. If the my kept the chairs then sure you’d get a lot of people just browsing books without buying but people would hang around long enough to find something interesting more often than they do now and make more sales.

Whatever B&N are doing is working. They are expanding to areas they abandoned years ago and are finding a lot of success. It turns out a lot of readers miss bookstores.

Have you legitimately never used a modern phone via browser or app to purchase lodging, airfare, concert tickets, etc.?

Not OP, but those are all jobs for big screen. I find doing almost anything through a phone app incredibly unintuitive and tedious. I do 99% of my purchasing on a PC because of how bad the mobile experience is.

Besides the fact Mone debuted way before she was medically cleared (so we had to endure her promos for months), I'm disappointed that her in-ring run so far has just been "unfinished business" from her NJPW stint.

My brother in Christ... She has been cleared for 35 days. She's had one program and looks to be starting a second with a completely new opponent.

It was also a military dish. Apparently it was one of the few things my grandfather would cook for my mom and her siblings. He picked it up from the Navy in WWII

It’s a comfort food for us too, and it’s so easy and cheap.

My gen alpha kid loves Tuna casserole. Tuna casserole, tuna melts are all still popular in my house.

Wowbutter has become a lifesaver for me since I developed a peanut allergy in my 20s. It really scratches that peanut butter itch.

  • 44 Million from WBD
  • Overseas rights deals
  • Gate revenue
  • PPV revenue
  • Sponsorship revenue
  • Merchandise

On top of the fact that nobody really knows what AEW is paying talent, or how deals are structured, they are not making money yet, but likely not in the red as much as people are claiming. The real financial boondoggle was in the video game, which is a shame cause so much of it looked promising. If they can get close to that rumored 100-125 million a year things would look pretty good for AEW.

When they released rock steady, I was heartbroken.

I always feel like Rocksteady was just a soft launch of Gwen's solo career. That album did not feel like No Doubt.