Te simt :) si la mine e la fel.

Eu chiar ma intrebat-o si m-a lasat pe seen.

Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria has a shared history no?

Only recently during communism as we were all satellite states of the USSR. Although Romania was the odd one of the pack as it's megalomaniac dictator wanted complete independence so we were nominally independent economically from the soviet union although this really just blocked us from any economic aid from them along with little to no sharing of technology so we had to reverse engineer the AK, dragunov and we used a different pistol and caliber than the makarov, a counterfeit, malfunction prone poorly designed and made copy of the walther PPK from ww2 as allegedly one of the army officers found this gun heavily rusted and buried in his backyard. So we were their subject but got none of the benefits and were called the north korea of europe due to the idiotic dictator(which didn't pass 4th grade btw and was a failed cobbler apprentice who came from a village drunk father and a village bicycle mother along with 12 other siblings), his idiotic statesmanship and ambitions.

One peoples is slavic in origin, the other uralic in origin and as for romanians they are basically mutts as each local nation(including bulgaria and hungary) had a go at their territory and women(proof being that the most popular family name is "popescu" meaning descended from blooming flowers which is a fancy way of saying we don't know who your dad is and your mother gets around especially with the foreigners). Besides this all 3 each speak vastly different languages.

Interesting, I would classify you as whatever Hungary is?

My personal opinion is that romania is central european, eastern european and balkanic simultaneously due to regional cultural differences and geography.

Yeah, if they use pumps then the milk is surely safe.

Thought you worked on a little farm as a farmhand.

I guess romanians are eastern euro, but otherwise, many would typically group balkan people as a separate group.

This is another very curious thing. All the nearby regions of europe do not claim Romania as part of them.

What do I mean? Well, the eastern europeans say romania is balkanic. Balkaners say romania is eastern european. And romanians themselves say they are central european check this for proof, as it's from a romanian geography textbook.

They're always praised for their work ethic.

You have very clearly never been around romanians. In all honesty it's pretty truthful, and I'm romanian myself.

I have always wanted to ask this to someone who worked with cows, what is preventing their poop from landing in the milk bucket spoiling the whole batch?

Similar thing happened to me

Nu stiu bre eu am pirate bay, sunt peste situatie

Ca daca le cer parintilor sa iasa fara si sa nu mai vina cu copii se duce repede vorba in grupurile de mamici si nu mai vine nici una dintre ele la cinema.

Ori te dau pe tine imbecilii din sala afara ca ai putut indrasni sa ii ceri ceva mamicii eroine ca sa nu mai planga odrasla ei

că toți proștii se înmulțesc.

Iar tu crezi ca nu e intentionat acest lucru?

si aici e secretul, am trait frugal

Ce te lauzi atata? Unii traiesc asa, au si 2 locuri de munca si tot nu e destul sa treaca peste nivelul de trai de "supravietuire"

Ba, am dormit 1 ora in total inainte de proba si eram pe jumatate mort zombie.

Chiar era asa greseala gramaticala acolo?

Palma pentru bucatile fara par, dreptunghiu de sapun pentru partile paroase.

Am scris ca influenteaza sinceritatea exprimarii

Nu inteleg cum poti ajunge in situatia asta. Cum o femeie sa se pretinda ani si ani in sir ca e o femeie casnica si dupa ce se casatoreste si face 1-3 copii il divorteaza iar ea nu plateste nici un ban in vreo pensie alimentara pentru copil?

Chiar doresc dovezi la aceasta treaba sa vad ce ar spune cativa straini de care stiu la treaba asta, sa le sparg capul cu acest eveniment. Eu consider plauzibil dar ei nu.

Eu personal pe langa ce ai spus tu as mai adauga sa o observi ani in sir sa vezi daca da cu bata in balta si cum.

Also, "no hymen, no diamond"

Nu inteleg cum poti ajunge in situatia acelei cunostinte. Cum o femeie sa se pretinda ani si ani in sir ca e o femeie casnica si dupa ce se casatoreste si face 2-3 copii il divorteaza? Si partea si mai ridicola e ca il divorteaza sa se futa cu toti meltenii sarantoci care nici macar nu arata bine.

Chiar doresc dovezi la aceasta treaba sa vad ce ar spune cativa straini de care stiu la treaba asta, sa le sparg capul cu acest eveniment. Eu consider plauzibil dar ei nu.

I-a mai furat ceva, acest pisuar public, de la cunostinta ta? O casa ceva?