It will protect your skin if you apply beforehand. It’s used to help prevent things like trench foot. I would apply a layer everyday to prevent anything and everything.

Your children will always love their mother, you don’t need another reason to be amicable.

It will take a bit to work into that mindset.

I don’t see the problem with that.

Would be an issue if you ate it in on, two or three servings…

Some people lack the ability to hold a single thought in their head

The very first thing I was taught, was to treat driving as if every other person driving was an idiot waving around a gun and/or trying to kill you. Apart from things I couldn’t avoid, that is some of the best advice I’ve ever received

It’s absolutely possible to move them, I think it’s generally done as a conservation effort and to settle a civil dispute. But I guess if you had the money, you could do just about anything. Iirc there are so many variables that it’s not recommended. I’m sure someone else knows more, but you can look up large tree transplants on YouTube.

The type of tree also matters a lot, maples are really hardy and don’t have as many issues like an oak would in re establishing its root system.

If the tree doesn’t take, I think you’d still be on the hook to replace it or pay, that’s why most people just settle without trying

I met this really cool dude out at the bar with his friend. He invited me back to his place to play Settlers of Catan.

Don’t regret that choice for a second.

I’ve only seen ads on prime?

Maybe everybody has their own specific ads tailored through some kind of algorithm?

Monkey in Space

In all honesty, and the simplest way to explain it. Is that sometimes there are exceptions

No special treatment, this is about equality

That’s the neat part, you don’t.

They just want to see that you took the time to complete it

Police will spend their entire shift looking for you in those situations.

Those car seats Target wants you to recycle?

They go right into the garbage.

The media doesn’t want or need to report facts, they’re in a ratings system. They’ll make it as sensationalist as possible, while providing as little factual information as possible.

Unless this judge is allowing cameras in the courtroom, nothing of substance will materialize

Victims of fraud/identity theft have additional protections through the credit bureaus that report scores.

You’ll need to file a police report and dispute those with each individually (I think credit karma and others have the option to do all at once).

You may have additional disputes you can file with your card company, but I believe they may limit the time to dispute charges.

If you are truly wanting your score to be fixed, this is your only option.


It’s a joke.

Because bill getting his knob slobbered on, at the desk in the Oval Office would be an official act.

I work with pro trumpers who don’t even bring him up that fast.

Remember growing up, you’d have kids that would just take the ball everyone else was playing with and refuse to let anyone else play?

You could either sit there, and argue with them, forcibly take it… or beat the shit out of them so they never did it again.

We’ve been beyond reasonable discussion since Obama