I need help finding two games, one is a game where you can place down knights and or possibly mages and then they fight an assortment of enemies, the only enemy i can say for sure is in the game is a Leech, like a realy grotesque looking one, with a open circular mouth, the game was fairly graphic with blood n stuff, and it was probably a demo game since i remember me and my brother made it up to where i belive you fight a bear, then as soon as the fight begins the game starts narrating something, i dont remember what since i didnt speak english at the time, the knights i think they are blue, and i vaguely remember there being "ranged" units, like mages. The other game i remember even less about, it was a magic game, like an rpg, and the main characther could have crab like hands, like pincers, thats all, please help :(

I have found the second game mentioned, Dawn of Magic.

Merc when he gets tasked to kill monolith soldiers instead of loners with families


Haha nothing dont worry about,you can touch it you want.

I think this applies to all mutants in general.Even a blind dog,they all have fucky wucky hit reg.I could be standing 2 meters above a dog and he still manages to damage me.And also yeah as everyone in this thread said,chimeras can even climb straight walls.

POV:You happen to simply exist in the northern part of the map (doing so is an affront to the monolith)

I can unironically imagine this is just what Sid does after paying a loner five (5) whole roubles for a real life miracle item.

Jesus why are you playing anomaly unmodded?Unless this is your first time playing it,please get your self some mods,afterall its sorta meant to be modded.All the best.

It really doesnt matter,you just get paid for them and thats about it,no story implications,i just sell it off to the nearest trader i can find.

Most calm limansk encounter

I am suprised this isnt a gimmick in stalker yet,we have spent bullet cases,but not detached bolts!Next up,a door dead bolt.

We found the solution,just have a youtube video playing before you launch the game,then when its loaded turn it off.

Yup,just have a youtube video playing in the backround before you launch the game,then just turn it off.

I have no problem double barreling it my guy.

I want you to know that if anytime you visit serbia please ping me i will give you a free handy.Thank you so much.

Contemplating just leaving the game running in the backround when i do manage to launch it and just going into the window as needed xD

Exactly,when i do manage to launch the game it works just fine so i dont know what gives.Ive trying removing readding files but nothing seems to make a diffrence,its just a dice roll.

And also also the thing that confuses me the most is the fact that it works

s o m e t i m e s

I mean sure its great that i can play it i guess but its kinda dumb that im rolling a dice to see if im going to play or not.And seemingly nothing affects if its going to boot or not,not nvidia,not any of the settings in the launch screen,nothing,it either works or it doesnt.

Also it add another alsoft.ini.bak file,this is not in the original instalation of the game.