Im actually really hoping Abby evolves into some terrifying monster, it would both be hilarious and cool, like imagine it just evolves into a Mahorag- Crownless looking thing

Try not to make an useless ability worldbreaking challenge

Kind of just a lot of people found out it worked

"Oh boy, I lost my arms and my healing tattoo, and I can't do hand signs either, if just there were another way for me to cast a technique."

Of course chanting isn't as effective as just having an inscribed tool or a tattoo, but if you're out of options it's always neat to remember the chants for a healing technique. It's also just kind of... really stupid, because you're saying what you're gonna use out loud. Same with hand signs but at least you can hide your hand signs.

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

"Gaa oo gaa gagaga koo kh kh ja-ja-jac-c-c ob-ss la-la-la dder!"

0 damage

Try not to make an useless ability worldbreaking challenge

Funny thing is Wyverns are never described to have foreleg wings, they're just dragons with 2 legs 2 wings and sometimes a venomous tail, the foreleg wings was just a design choice because a dragon walking on 2 legs is silly.

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

Mahito was just on a path to find his true self, he made some mistakes but that's normal when trying to obtain perfection, he's not evil just misunderstood

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

This image goes hard, wheres it from?

When it comes to moms and incredibly oversized dads, we do not question how the smashing went.

Try not to make an useless ability worldbreaking challenge

world of warcraft bola launcher.

We have converted another one, good job my fellow michael jacksons.

Oh it wasn't permanent? I thought it was like the simulated universe of this game

Try not to make an useless ability worldbreaking challenge

A canvas for the body and where your mana comes from, your soul is the shape of 'you' and your body is the shape of your soul.

Healing magic uses the soul as a canvas on what to heal, if your soul is damaged you won't be able to heal your body properly, unless you're a professional who either knows how to heal the body without a canvas, or somebody who is able to shape the soul. (The people who know either of these are so few that you'd have to travel across the world to meet at least one)

The 'soul' is mana manifested, it is your mana and it's what emits your mana, damaging the soul can damage your mana capacity too, improving your 'soul' via mental or spiritual means can improve your mana too. Although the mana your soul is born with is completely random.

Souls are also what's used to register if something is living, all living things have mana, technically if you imbued mana into something it would have a 'soul' just not, a real soul, it would be an artificial soul. But that's a whole other thing.

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

Well you see, Inumaki then revives as a cursed spirit, reaching the speed of mach 3, and then speedblitzing homelander

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

So much for having cooking based abilities, how does the fridge cook better than you

Try not to make an useless ability worldbreaking challenge

I honestly really like villains with vague reasons, it makes them inhumane. If written well, a character who finds reason in everything, meeting a villain who does everything because "why not" can make interesting situations. It makes them detached from moral reason, sometimes just having a "villain" is good.

Muscular avatar in a maid outfit with a man face is peak avatar design

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

Imagine if Mahito learned open domain, like that would be insane, 200 meter radius instant death or turned into a transfigured human, that's like getting hit by an open domain infinite void but worse.

Also I'm pretty sure Mahito was a cursed womb throughout most of the series, the cocoon we see when he talks about his soul is his real form, he just shaped himself into a more preferable body, only during the final fight with Yuji was he finally born. The descriptions of how a cursed womb undergoes metamorphism and how the episode and theme that played during Mahito's "True essence of his soul" are both called "Metamorphosis" support this further.

Mahito could truly have been the most terrifying curse if Yuji didn't kill him as a newborn.

Try not to make an useless ability worldbreaking challenge

33,000,000 carriers Is enough to cover around 80% of earth... (Math done by OceanMann)

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

. . .

Did you read the manga off tiktok? "Sukuna has the divine ability to expand his domain without closing the barrier to create a separate space. This creates a binding vow due to allowing an escape route from the domain that enables him to expand the effective range of the guaranteed-hit up to a maximum radius of nearly 200 meters."

Maki still gets hit by Sukuna's dismantles, she just isn't registered by the guaranteed hit effect, making it so she doesn't get hit by cleave, Sukuna noted this too, and his new domain would've killed Maki if Miwa didn't use simple domain to protect her.

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

Can the next bum be Yuta please? Like seriously, this guy jumps Sukuna, 3 people, pops domain, fights a weakened Sukuna who only has 3 arms and can't use 2 of them. Yuta loses, in his own domain, with 3 people. Then he comes back, using the strongest body, and the first thing he does is get hit square in the face. GET THIS GUY OUT OF HERE

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

Ikr Todo's hips are insane, thank the square cube law.

:Kenjaku:Im the type of person to make a new character every min

Domain Expansions have a guaranteed hit effect...