I guess I’m ignorant. To me, it seems like it would be such a huge story, all news/talk shows etc would focus on the new candidate 24/7 for the next 4 months. It would give swing state voters who are disgusted by both candidates and resigned to sit out the election a reason to go out and vote. The college kids who were planning to vote 3rd party or stay home bc of gaza would come back.

If whitmer/shapiro, we immediately take back 2 critical swing states that Biden is losing. Their poll numbers can only go up, but Biden’s likely will only stay the same or go down.

Staying w Biden in my view at this point is essentially giving up on trying to win - I can’t see anything he can say or do to win the swing states, if he’s already losing this badly.

Many big donors are refusing to contribute to ANY democratic campaign until Biden steps down

It’s actually very easy. Whitmer and take your pick of Shapiro/beshear

Sorry, but this is just denial of reality. Biden will lose all swing states. There is nothing he can do to win back all the voters who will now stay at home after the debate. It doesn’t matter what you, me, people on reddit, or anyone paying any kind of attention to politics thinks - this is about those few percent in swing states who haven’t paid attention at all and haven’t decided whether they’re even gonna be bothered to go out and vote. Biden is essentially at his ceiling right now. A new, younger candidate would be covered 24/7 by the press and breathe new life into this campaign. The college students who hate Biden because of Gaza won’t stay home and may actually go out to vote. The independents who hate Trump may actually go out and vote. If Whitmer and Shapiro are on the ticket, that’s too critical swing states already out of six how can you not see that this is the only chance we have at defeating Trump. Leaving Biden in there to get torn to shreds for the next four months is basically handing the country over to Trump.

One thing was under control of liberals, and republicans being republicans was not. The point is, we should make smart choices w the things WE can control (like Biden stepping down), instead of reverting to howling at how bad republicans are. We all know, and they won’t change

I personally like "thank you! That really means a lot to me"

Nice but why do some artists have to have a gimmick like this? Does it make the art better? Is it part of art/message?

What if we’ve been wrong? What if friends and family and staffers HAVE been urging him to quit behind the scenes, but he’s just obstinately refusing?

Do you honestly think random voters in swing states who dont pay attention and only watched the debate will be motivated to go vote biden because ‘it doesn’t matter if he’s senile because he has good people around him’?? Really??

He won’t win swing states. This will give Trump the presidency. When we look back, it will seem sooo obvious in retrospect. Future generations will say ‘they had the chance to breathe new life into the campaign with a bold new choice, but they were too scared/paralyzed, and now that’s why trump and his kids and his grandkids have been ‘president’ for the last 50 years’

It is not far too late. Staying w biden will keep all the swing state/college students/undecided home on election day. This will give election to trump. We NEED new life, to give people a reason to get excited and get iff their asses to vote. Everyone knows all the shit about trump, and have chosen to believe or ignore it. There is very little Biden can do anymore to get people excited to go out and vote. We need whitmer. Democrats have always just been too fearful to take any bold action. I’d rather lose w whitmer with a fighting chance than fizzle out with a guaranteed loss w Biden.

must've been nervous, whoever hit 'send' on that transaction. imaging fucking up the address

The fact is that people are panicking. Part of the role of leader is not just having good policy, but also articulating to the people, which Biden failed to do. Stating 'people just have to stop panicking', while true, is just ignoring reality. people are panicking, and it will affect the election out, and not in a good way. The sooner we acknowledge this reality, we can try to deal with it.

otherwise it's just like saying 'trump supporters simply just have to realize Trump is a liar, rapist, etc, and not vote for him'. would be nice if that happened, but reality is that it won't happen

you just don't get it. it's not about me or you. it's not about Democrats. I will vote blue no matter what, and you will too. so will all other Democrats. we're talking about the people who don't pay attention except major events like this debate, don't have a clue about Biden's record. you know, the critical 5% of people who will decide this election in the swing states. those people will not be convinced to get off their asses and vote by Biden. we need new energy

couldn't agree more! 2 key swing states, breath new life into the election. 24/7 news cycles/talk shows etc would focus on them for next 4 months. I honestly think it would be amazing.

current CNN headline: Biden says he needs more sleep, will not schedule events after 8pm.

your Democratic nominee, everyone. I'm sure this will inspire confidence /s

please please get Whitmer in there ASAP

yes, a debate seen by 50 million people, likely last time they will see Biden/Trump responding directly to each other before the election, and which cemented in many many people's minds (including some of the most ardent Biden supporters) that Biden is too old and unfit for the job. minimizing the effect of 'a single debate' is just burying your head in the sand

she's already polling within margin of error of Trump. without any campaigning. without any headlines/talkshows/constant news articles. If she becomes the candidate, it will be nothing but 24/7 buzz about her for the next 4 months. She is a good speaker. she is sharp - people will like her. hillary won the popular vote despite all her baggage - Whitmer can do much much better pulling in the midwest/MI, and maybe PA with a smart VP pick

Whitmer/shapiro gives us MI and PA. Job just got a lot easier

Whitmer would generate a buzz of new excitement, pump life into the democratic party. She would be the headline of every talk show, on every news channel immediately. She will rip Trump to shreds. Women who are scared about repro rights will vote for her. College students who hate ‘genocide joe’ will go out and vote for her.

NOTHING new about Biden will happen between now and election, - he only has possibility to lose more ground with poor appearences. Whitmer gets us a critical swing state. Smart VP choice could get us another like PA. Its honestly a no-brainer

This. Pls keep trying to convince people. Sticking w Biden is just accepting defeat. If we’re going down, lets at least try to fight

Oh come on. Whitmer gets Michigan. VP Beshear - dem gov liked in a HEAVILY red state, could pull all the moderates who hate trump but can’t bring themselves to vote biden/harris. Or Shapiro to get PA - there, you have already 2 critical swing states. Plus all the youth who (misguidedly) will stay home to protest gaza, have no reason not to vote now