What’s more interesting to me is that these are entirely different ‘encounters that can’t interact with each other in the first game. Burt and Aaron’s scoop times out way before you would ever get to kindell or Cheryl, let alone Natalie and Jeff

Changes to infinity mode. I definitely love the old mode and would want it to stay relatively unchanged. I think the game could do with an additional sandbox mode for casual players, but I want infinity mode to be as strategically intensive as it was in the first game. (though ability to save wouldn’t go amiss, I think a randomizer for survivor encounters would be really cool too).

Damn. Well the original remastered model exists. They are releasing it as preorder DLC, so luckily the assets will already exist for us to bring in eventually

If you did this yourself, save the model, the PC gamers will thank you for the remastered mods we will inevitably be able to patch in.

I wonder if this cart is the remastered version of Stevens shopping cart?

The real fantasy isn’t the voice actors or the aesthetic. It’s pretending we have a dollar menu again.

I wonder if prices will reflect 06 prices like the RE2make gas station did. Hurts my soul.

There are definitely quality of life improvements that we could innovate on.

The control scheme was a basic one. It’s not even as dramatic as ps1 RE2 changes. I think those things will help. Ironing out the AI will help. Whether some of the AI incompetency is intentional or not Is definitely up for debate but there is plenty wrong that’s not intentionally on the game. Pathfinding is a good example. You can clear and destroy all of the rubble and Burt and Aaron’s pathfinding will still regularly get stuck on the open doorway. Same thing for the little potted plants outside the warehouse in paradise. AI tend to get stuck on that as well. The stairs to the security room duct is an example of devs designing smarter.

Dead rising as a series can cater to both casual and hardcore fans both. It is THE original zombie sandbox. The vast majority of gameplay complaints that people have can be fixed to include both casual and hardcore opinions by the game devs. The developers don’t have to make it JUST for casual audience or JUST for the hardcore fans like most games.

I’ll pick Chris “Fuck-Boulders” Redfield from RE5

Walmarts fried chicken department labels all sides just “hot food” and that’s how it rings up at the checkout regardless of what you get. I have never felt more like an NPC in my life than ringing up

HOT FOOD (5x) = $4.99

Kinda curious how these “costumes” work? The game is mostly reskin from what I can see in the trailers, aside from the modernized control scheme. Can you mix and match heads and torsos and shoes? Like am I going to be mixing 2006 franks head on Chris Redfields body? God forbid I make some unholy amalgamation of Chris Leon and Frank.

Or are these going to be the body that the rest of the outfits in the mall go on top of?

Edit: These are probably going to replace the blue locker outfits in the security room now that I think about it.

There are quite a few people that literally believe this. Along with time strangely. Time and money are fake and made up, and I don’t understand where that comes from.

How much did that bad boy run you?

I don’t think anyone wants the hobby to be this expensive except for the people that bought into it at this price.

Most people, regardless of how much they value their cards monetarily, are not going to sell them to cash on this value. The monetary value is just a mental reassurance that they didn’t waste their money because they could get at least some of the value back at any time if they need to.

I tried this once and it was really nice. People wouldn’t stop staring at me though. Might have to move south if I don’t want to be a laughing stock wherever I go.

Yeah, corporations and the rich run things, but I do think the point still stands that the pool of voters are shooting themselves in the foot at every turn.

You could go to a steakhouse or get some seafood at the price of a basket of wings and a couple beers

I mean if you want you could measure with a scale to make sure you are getting the poundage, but the math comes out at 8.99 a pound. Summer time steak prices usually go up. That’s not unreasonable for a more choice cut of Chuck depending on where you live.