I’m from Cornwall and I feel that in my bones

Seriously the idea that you can be convicted of election fraud and be allowed to run for president is nuts

Only because my candidate said he is all for trans rights and willing to defy the whip. And because I haven’t seen any evidence they’re running anything but the big three here this time.

Most students do also have full time jobs. It’s actually a real problem as it impacts their studies and can lower their grades which can make them less likely to progress into certain jobs or postgraduate study.

The actual examples he gave were dance, drawing and another that I can’t remember but is equally valid. Fuck, my masters is basically in dick jokes but because it’s medieval everyone sees it as more valid.

Amazing how fast people are willing to say fuck the free market and get all means-tested when it’s rich people involved

Even 1 is a fucking stupid choice because almost all feminists now will be and should be disgusted with much of the first wave western feminist movement which was horrifically racist and classist in both Europe and the US.

As a teacher, it really isn’t. The biggest behaviour related issue in schools isn’t that “kids are dicks” (though obviously the very occasional kid is), it’s the lack of a behaviour management system that allows a whole school approach treating behaviour as what it is: communication, and helping children and young people to address the things that are causing them pain.

Generally speaking though, we’re leaving because we are expected to work 60-80 hour weeks but only get paid for 37 of them, with very low levels of resources and no care for our wellbeing or students’ wellbeing, with a tightly packed content/“achievement” based curriculum that focusses on creating pliant and obedient workers who have passed two exams rather than well-rounded kind people.

Honestly? The delivery of “Antique Globes” has me every single time

National service was still a thing in the 60s iirc (and it was pretty easy to get out of if you believe folks who did get out of it for things like a feather allergy) but yes even that only affects the intensely elderly. Thing is, it’s going to attract voters who have continually voted to pull the ladder up behind them.

Something something pirates 🟰🟰

I would if my dad wasn’t a prick who wouldn’t let me have a copy of his passport

Well thanks for perpetuating the scrounger rhetoric that is currently fucking disabled people over so badly that the UN has declared the UK hostile to disabled people and noted that it is stripping their rights.

I had a bra with pockets and it was brilliant but I did have to explain every time I pulled money out 😂

And some of the most respected historians in the world… awful

I remember that well because I lived on one side of the bridge and had to get the bus to uni from the other side. Fucking nightmare.

It sounds like you’ve had a very hard time with your mental health and that has impacted your learning. So you’re not stupid but you are a little foolish or naive for not addressing this sooner. It’s definitely a lesson I learned the hard way, as did many others, but you need to reach out and get the help you need to do this properly.

Yeah a lot of the quarries have gone that way here and it’s a nightmare if you need hedging stone 😂

Cool! I’m Cornish so I hear “mine” and I pop up like a little weasel like “Tin?!”