Conservatism is literally about exploiting the many to serve the few, economically.

People in this sub don't believe exploitation of humans exists tbh

Russia is still learning this

So people need to provide evidence you're wrong, but you don't need to provide evidence you're correct... Story checks out

100% My question. If you had money and wanted to ingratiate yourself to the poker community, this is an excellent strategy. It's a really clever idea to drive traffic, period, but unless it's done live, I'm gonna assume the results are not legit

They 100% expect special treatment because they're "one of the good guys"

I've won several pots exactly like this. That's why I just flip my hands at showdown and don't say anything. They can table their hand or take responsibility for reading the situation correctly, not my job.

Very brave to admit you're willing to be exploited harder than a doordash driver. So strong, so brave

Ya when an orange sac of decaying McDonalds is your idea of perfection, cardio probably isn't a priority.

Posts opinion. Adds edit telling people not to bother typing their opinion... Typical idiot

I think they're 28 and live with their parents and have a job. I'd need more to go off to judge anything else...

Mario would have given him a chance to be a warrior though

Everything people worship is only in their mind