Leave your husband and find someone who loves you unconditionally.

6months, 6 years - you decide when you're ready to have consensual sex not your husband or your "marriage therapist".

I'm sorry that you were assaulted. I can't even begin to imagine how awful and traumatising.

You forgot the ones too impatient for their inheritance. Both my siblings did this (born in theb1970s) and literally tricked our mother into signing mortgage/ loan docs. One even lives in a high sought after postcode and the other bought a big block of land.

My partner and I bought our first property in 2009 a small unit and it had bars on the windows and was disgusting inside but we lived in it for 2 years, paid down the mortgage and then renovated in 2011. In 2012 we used the increased value to purchase the second property and literally ate lentils and beans for 12 months while we paid the mortgage. Our parents said we were making a big mistake and didn't not support us at all. We hoped our wages would go up and we are lucky that our wages did go up. However, our house needs a renovation/ extension but we haven't got the $. We are working towards that.

We don't go on family holidays or wear designer clothes. Our kids go to public schools and wear target brand everything.

It can be done even without parent help - especially if you are double income. But you need to really set your expectations low. We didn't have an oven for 2 years and couldn't afford to replace it.

We have influencza typa A. We've been using cold and flu home brand and it's just what we needed as it decongests us so we can sleep without having to breath through our mouth.

Did you speak to your parents about this? If I were your parent I'd be telling you that this is a solid example of what a red flag is.

It will start with this kind of insecure, jealous and controlling behaviour and keep escalating.

I know of a married couple where the woman can't even take her kids out for an ice-cream on a hot day without her husband declaring "what for?! You bought icecream for the freezer yesterday. Who are you going to go meet?" And when they are driving together as a family with the kids in the car, she is TOO scared to look anywhere but out the front window or he starts abusing her. She can't leave or he will come after her and they have a child that is severely disabled. This woman's life is MISERABLE. Her children's lives are MISERABLE.

Perhaps at the first moment he started with jealous behaviour, she should have not felt it was cute and 'protective'.

And while you're at it tell management to read the Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, George Spafford, and Kevin Behr.

They need more than an uber.

Edited to add a word

I'd like to think she knew and this was merely the case of power moves. ๐Ÿ˜‚

The skin of some of older people on the Gold coast!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ So leathery. You just don't see that in Melbourne.

Is there more to the story? Something doesn't seem right. Please set up cameras for when he's alone with your adopted child.

If I'm eating peanuts and someone tells me that they're allergic to peanuts I wouldn't put two and two together so as not to eat peanuts at work. I'm autistic.

I would feel sorry for them and ask them where their EpiPen is etc and what to do in case of an emergency, but I wouldn't necessarily realise that me eating peanuts at my own desk or the steam coming from my lunch might cause a reaction.

I suggest you clearly explain the gravity of the situation as well as going to HR to advise that this is an issue and that you're feeling unsafe at work.

My late mother (who lived on an acreage in Vic), she was shocked to see a black snake hanging around a lower branch of a shrub. She has just moved the the property when this had happened and it was the first and last time in 30 years she had witnessed this. Of course for the next 30 years she was always cautious when pruning or harvesting fruit in summer.

Good old faithful - lavender/ pure essential oil! The top of my childrens' heads My husband's pillow The smell of my dog Eucalypt on a hot day The smell of spanakopita cooking in the oven Coffee Mulled wine cooking Gingerbread

Yes and no.

I regularly declutter my home but only offer the clothes/things to someone who would actually want the items.

For example, pass clothes from my son to his friends parents to sort what they want for their son and then they can donate the rest.

My old no longer loved clothes go to the opp shop branded or not. Unless my friend specifically complimented me wearing a specific item OR I have seen them wearing that brand or something similar I wouldn't gift them the items.

I often send photos of furniture I'm getting rid of to a single mum and ask her if she wants them before I donate but make it very clear she can say no. 50% of the time she declined.

There's a fine line between offloading stuff you don't want to friends and family and giving them something that would spark joy.

It's not really nice to declutter your life and make that "stuff" no matter how "useful" someone else's clutter / problem.

If I were doing it tough and was at a bar and someone offered me their jacket without a background /explanation I'd be confused and probably mildly offended. However with the background, I'd graciously accept and be very touched.

It's not 'what' you give, it's 'how' you give it. ๐Ÿ˜‚

We've been using condoms for 20 years and never had one break. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Since you're a neurologist, can you afford an au pair?! Hubby can go back to work and his wage can cover the help.

You're NTA.

Your mum's husband sounds like a selfish little brat. He's essentially having a tantrum and blackmailing you with money.

If I were your mum, he would be sleeping on the couch until he learned how to treat my daughter. How disgusting for him to blackmail you with your mum's money!

I am still getting the stank of lingering BO out of my nostrils from the Coles "middle aisle" at the end of their aisle.

Give me the guy in front of me in line buying diapers that smells of pee any day if the week.

Both sound reminders of why I should use the delivery service for my groceries more often.

Don't wrap your kid in a towel after the bath and then let them walk to their room to get dressed. Kids break noses like this.

This is why when we go to the swimming pool, the kids have towels with arm holes.