Noob time is a different world lol. Meet me in a hard survival mate lol

In a dream we land a solid CDM/CB option this summer.

You can't go wrong, especially if you turn off building destruction.

Tip: max out your game's brightness. The caves are unnavigably dark.

I wish we could rely on a 4 back. 451 could be really nasty with 4 options to run on. More of a 4141

541 seems like the sweet spot. We need two lines of 4+ in our formation.

Read up on Buddhism. It's got some universalism to it.

Camping/backpacking/hiking has always been my medicine and therapy.

Therapy. I found an awesome shrink on Psychology Today's website search engine by reading bios.

This one is powerful: When you can't do something good for yourself, do something good for someone else.

If your vision, passing, positioning, etc, isn't up for CM, then try FB or a wide mid. It'll simplify the game for you.

As someone with a smaller stature, you'll have to work harder and smarter than the athletes that can mask with ability.

I'll go a little further off beat with a second comment... consider "walking simulators." Journey, Abzu, Flower, Shape of the World. It's beautiful, meditative.

The Forest has a large world with lots of sandboxing, exploration, and survival battle. Join me

They should incorporate legal charges on fouls like this, not just a time out.

It's hard to turn with your back to goal down the middle. I get why we have a 5 back, but I do miss advanced wide support so we can play the way we face better when working out from the back.

I think my upcoming roster is going to be weak on defense, and not necessarily an offensive threat to make up for it. I worry about a single back line and not being able to get out. I started thinking 532, but I'm thinking about a few variations on 451 now. I like the idea of 2 lines of 4+ for weaker teams. 532 might work for you if you can possess up the core and counter attack.

Do your attackers like to go central or wide?

532? Set your RB loose, leaving a 4 back to hold it down

I think you may be trying too hard to find a perfect formation. Maybe try teaching them the fundamentals of a more balanced shape.

What do you do to make it aggressive and not just high intensity?