I squeezed a warm applesauce pouch into my mouth thinking it was apple juice, but that wasn't as bad as biting into calamari thinking it was an onion ring.

POWs are not criminals, they are combatants. They are treated well so our own soldiers will be as well.

Are you only opening them when they shoot?

You can put Type 2 into remission. It's not as simple as not producing enough, it can be a matter of sensitivity to insulin as well as diet.

Glasses with the suit, contracts with the cape.

I think paving through the tree would have qualified. This looks like working harder to do it right.

Yeah, I guess I'm used to 20k crowds so I'll take whatever I can get.

Have you tried active noise cancelling headphones over iem's? I do that for comms and it's awesome.

If you are universally being treated rudely, that is society providing negative feedback to your actions. You're not going to change 3 billion women, you need to try something else.

They don't want to be approached at all for romantic interest. Get to know them through work or acquaintances or hobbies or use apps.

Most women in most places don't want to be approached by a stranger. It's a pretty good rule and you don't want to fish where they aren't biting.

Are you familiar with the concept of a capsule wardrobe? Especially for longer trips, I just pack items that all match with each other and do outfits later.

You say men should be able to talk to whom they're interested in, but don't women also have the right to talk to whom they wish? Which should also include not having to talk to people they aren't interested in.

Have you tried the vitamin d and magnesium protocol people are using? I found once I did that and fixed my sleep I could keep them away, unless I had a beer.

It's just we see the disproportionate idiots. 90% of people in LinkedIn are barely on the platform.

Netjockey Wiretapper Linkjacker Linkjockey Entrant might be interesting

Cluster headache will make you wish you were dying.

They seemed to enjoy them in Dallas although it's definitely a weird vibe for the opener.