I would leave it back at the restaurant.

Generally the unhoused need to be close to services they require as transportation is also an expense they can't afford. Shipping them off to a manufactured ghetto literally helps no one. I mean, except for you so that you can pretend it isn't happening.

This is why I love ordering in the app. Great for finding out if add-ons are $0.30 or $2.50. And if the order is wrong there's no "That's not what you said" argument.

What happens if you just walk past the clusterfuck of people who don't know how to use the scanner and/or have to dig in their purse for their card?

What are those plants? They're awesome

Why would you buy a boring watch on eBay for 2600$?

Keep your kids away from your parents and the church. Give them experiences that are actually beneficial to their lives.

No, most provincial laws state something like if your shift is over 5 hours they need to provide you with a 30 uninterrupted, unpaid break. You can't just divvy the break up into smaller chunks and somehow have it paid. It's very uncommon for anyone paid hourly to be given a paid 30 minute lunch break.

Male cherry barbs. The females are the orange ones with the black stripe running down them. The orange ones with the black triangle are harlequin Rasbora (I think).

Incels are just mad because these women could knock them on their sorry ass with one good smack.

Actually, maybe you're just entitled and disrespectful, based on what you just said. Have the day you deserve.

We get it, you're cheap. Just get over yourself and stop trying to justify it.

I don't think I would ever admit to being so repulsively tacky and cheap.

Sounds like Mark is a brat like his mom and you're punishing your son because you forced him to live with a problem child.

Well you're sticking up for a cunt so I can only assume you are also one.

The word choice of "narcotics" may not have been the absolute best way to say it, but everyone saying weed is not a narcotic is simply wrong.