It’s too bad he got really bad plastic surgery. The face lift makes the left side of his face look so stretched

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

All your railroad now belong to us

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

Look Gorby you are Bad Guy, but this does not mean you are bad … guy. - Reagan probably

Nebraska prairie farmer 🐿 :ne-flag: 🌾

1.Washington 2.FDR 3.JFK, Johnson, Reagan 4.Truman 5. Obama

Legion of the Betrayed

Not Really Pertinent to BannerKings, but after Birth & Aging I have

CC's Banners V3.2.1.0

Character Reload e1.2.10.0

KnowEveryone V1.0.3.0

No More Clones v5.5.5.0

More Hero Interactions v1.2.7.0

(Melting Butter Mod) V2.0.5.0

Stop Starving Yourselves v1.1.0.3

[Windwhistler Collection]

Death for All v4.0.0.0

Surrender Tweaks V1.7.9.0

WarAndAiTweaks V1.7.4.0

My Little Warband V1.2.7.0


You can also use JoinHouses and SueMoreSpouses at the bottom if your trying to set up a roleplay, but I would disable them after setup as they can cause problems if left on.

Legion of the Betrayed

Looks like your Harmony, ButterLib, and MCM are the wrong versions

EDIT: You’re missing Historic Banner Icons

Here's my load order:

Harmony V2.3.3.207

BetterExceptionWindow V7.1.1.0

ButterLib V2.9.9.0

UIExtenderEx V2.11.0.0

Mod Configurati8on Menu v5 V5.9.2.0

Native V1.2.9.38256

Sandbox Core V1.2.9.38256

Sandbox V1.2.9.38256

StoryMode V1.2.9.38256

Custom Battle V1.2.9.38256

ArtemsLivelyAnimations V0.0.1.0 [NOT REQUIRED, but recommend]

Over 2000 New Names V1.0.2.0 [NOT REQUIRED, but recommend]

(RBM) Realistic Battle Mod V3.7.3.0

Open Source Armory V1.17.0.0

Open Source Saddlery V1.6.0.0

Open Source Weaponry V1.7.0.0

Open Source Armory: RBM Patch V1.17.0.0

Open Source Saddlery: RBM Patch V1.6.0.0

Open Source Weaponry: RBM Patch V1.7.0.0

Better Pikes V1.3.6.0 [NOT REQUIRED, but recommend]

Breakable Polearms V1.2.3 [NOT REQUIRED, but recommend]

Ancient Civilization V1.5.2.0

Ancient Civilization:FullFix & RBM V0.9.8.1 [NOT REQUIRED, but recommend]

Orbis_Terrae_Armarium V1.5.2.0

Orbis Terrae Armarium: FullFix & RBM [NOT REQUIRED, but recommend]

Historical Banner Icons V1.2.8.0

BannerKings V1.3.2.0

BannerKings - Cultures Expanded V1.1.0.0

Birth and Aging Options V

Legion of the Betrayed

Ilkhanate, Huns, Varangians, Magyars, Templars, Knights of St. John, Lombards, Franks.

Legion of the Betrayed

It won’t break it though, I have it on vortex and it doesn’t go anywhere just asks to update and when you click update it says update deleted.

Happy birthday to North Montana

Legion of the Betrayed

It’s a stand in for real world Persia(Iran), Rhagaea’s father is the shah, the culture is Darshi, and it’s to the east. That’s about it.

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

Looks like the Grunge image is a mirror, it was his left hand

Kilroy was here :kilroy: 

Edit: This image appears to be mirrored, footage of Yelsin shows his right hand is the un-damaged one

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

That was his right hand. He didn’t have a right thumb or index finger. Lefty was a’ok

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

Got another one for the Geneva “Don’t act like a Canadian” Convention

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

Can’t see Yeltsin’s left hand. Good ol Boris got’em with the crossing your fingers in your pocket gambit

Lol perfect, the whole “if” had me a little worried

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

Wonder if that made it into the Don’t act like a Canadian Rules of War, or what’s more commonly known as the Geneva Convention

The title and this map makes me wonder if OP knows

Legion of the Betrayed

More hero interactions

Kilroy was here :kilroy:

It also assumes they can read the message, because let’s face it did any of our ancestors let some weird squiggles stop them from getting some shinies.

Legion of the Betrayed

Most sieges come down to three factors

  1. What is your troop makeup - Are the majority of your troops elite or are they militia. Sieges are a pure infantry battle so whoever has better infantry has a massive advantage that can make up for 2 and 3.

  2. Level of your walls- high level walls are taller so more time for archers to kill enemies on ladders, level 1 siege towers are also a ramp that let’s enemies over the wall in large numbers so almost as dangerous as

  3. The Ram - probably the most important aspect of a siege battle is the ram. If they break your gate it’s a disaster. If you can destroy the ram 9/10 defenders win. I’ve lost a handful of siege battles after taking out the ram because even on ladders Knights and Druzhinnik will still massacre militia.

Legion of the Betrayed

I’ve run into the encyclopedia one and the too many freed prisoners crashes. While I’m glad they’re fixed I don’t think I’ll update as they’re pretty rare

Fear also may be why Homelander has such a weird relationship with Butcher. In S1E8 when they meet he notes Butcher isn’t afraid of him, Butcher hates him, but he isn’t afraid. Homelander only really tries to kill Butcher once at Herogasm and after that he either knows Butcher is on Temp V so can take it or leaves him alone.

Thanks, took it with a drone at around 100m