Biggest difference is sacred heart is hp up, which can be very needed sometimes. AND damage multiplier

fire rate/tear rate/shot rate

Not tryna be rude by correcting. Just shot speed is a seperate stat

Hmm not that complicated. I knew before you said that but just wanted to point out that, not that complicated

Correct. This has been a thing since at least AB+

You can be teleported while fully charged while the eye is blinking

Still pretty absurd if you get diplopia or death certificate and get it 2-infinite times. (Crooked penny)

Like I said. Try and find the fool card if possible. That way both can happen

I believe it does stack iirc. I thought hurts did a video on it where he got one each floor

Wrong. We bring the fool card with us because we know we need to rush to boss rush but also want to min max

Now, are we discussing 1 PLAYER or 1 CHARACTER….

Oh that’s right. I was slightly thinking of dingle how he spawns normal dips. Now him, OP wouldn’t have gotten as cooked if he said him instead of turdlings

Not agreeing with you nor am I disagreeing 100% but as a first boss, unless you’re a specific character, you need a damage up in the treasure room to be able to one shot a dip

I’m far from a great player too. Thank you for the advice

I’ll be honest. I haven’t played much of them but the few runs I’ve tried. It’s definitely something different to learn

T. Lost have a permanent sacred orb effect iirc. Or basically sacred orb

Enemies you hate fighting or you get hit by often. Sacrifice one hit to save more the rest of the run

Simple phrase in the Isaac community. “We. Ball”