I'm dutch. When my youngest was a small kid, I could persuade her to come home fast after playing in the playground by promising her a cheese sandwich.

She is 17 now. I think her boyfriend would get a lot of hugs and kisses for bringing this for her.

En je krijgt als antwoord: " ja precies" ik snap idd dat het gesprek dan over is.🙈

Dat is toch onze nieuwe minister voor vreemdelingenhaat?

Het begin kon ik mee knikken. De wereld gaat idd naar de tering. Maar de oorzaak is volgens mij iets anders dan hier staat.

And sometimes settings. Like places, school types, politics.

The one growling at thr baby I kinda understand. I would choose to find a new home. But I'm sure not gonne keep the dog.

Well, they do translate books from english to what they call english in the usa.

Hangt van je leeftijd en inkomen af wat je opties zijn.

En als je een vooruitzicht hebt waar je naar toe kan werken/aftellen is het misschien nog wel even vol te houden?

The first one they got out with a vacuum, cut and a nurse on top of me pushing my son out. Thesecons one was almost 5 kg and they performed a c section. After that they told me to stop having babies because they were getting to big for my body.

Well, the first one, they got out with a vacuum, a cut and a nurse pushing my son out. My baby girl was born with a c section. But she was really big. Almost 5 kg.


Come on people. That's their threesome partner hiding for the family picture. And feminist want to take that away to keep some family values.

I would love to hear you say Stroopwafel. Just to check your Dutch.

I just got what OF stands for after I read your comment.

And that kids is why you have to stay in school.

Good for you. I prefer that learning part to be done before I get involved. I also don't want a taxi driver who is driving for the first time in their live.

En schoolboeken? Weet je hoeveel docenten je nu minder in kan huren? Het is gewoon een bezuiniging op het onderwijs.

Ik ben het niet vaak eens met de VVD. Maar dit klinkt als een goed plan.

Heb er voor de rest niets over gelezen. Dus baseer dit puur op de titel.

Why are there questionmarks?