I imagine the following “condition reveal” party for the pilots family was a little… darker

I regret seeing this. Now I know I don’t have the stomach to do what I thought I’d do if I had a Time Machine

The only snakes that Mother needed to worry about that day were her neighbours

If I already got the dude’s number saved in my phone it’s pretty obvious that I already know him.

Takes a lot of courage to go to the media about something like this, it’s unfortunate that public pressure always seems to be what motivates justice when it comes to hate crimes.

With the Dick Spit Lady on our side, November should be a cakewalk!

I would love to see him acting a fool like he does at home, but he won’t. He’ll follow the rules, keep out of sight, low profile and all that. That’s what cowards do when Uncle Sam doesn’t have their back.

Who risks being labelled a traitor for a clothing designer’s birthday party? Just make music, man!

One man’s “mission failed” is another man’s “get your shit together”.

The man stopped wearing glasses because people called him Millhouse. If that doesn’t just exude weakness, I don’t know what does.

Is it Haram to try and rock Elvis’ look so hard you might as well start saving for tickets to Graceland?

We have MPs compromised by foreign adversaries, there is simply no excuse for that.

I won’t know it’s an official Tim Hortons product unless I’m able to ask for one at the store and get handed something I didn’t ask for instead.

I refused any form of help for the longest time. People would offer me money and I would straight up lie to avoid accepting it. I did this because I had to make it without my parents help and I knew if other family offered and they had caught wind of it, it would be “they only made it because of…”.

I used to really resent people who accepted what I called “handouts”, from their parents. I’m a parent myself and these aren’t handouts, I love my children and want what’s best for them.

Don’t turn down support like I did, they will never see you as someone who “made it on your own”. I’m now happy for those with parents who love them enough to support them later in life and admire the parents who support their children.

Looks like North Korea’s library got a copy of Unrestricted Warfare.

The resources used by the South to contain, study and prevent such things will be much more of a strain on them than they are on the balloon crew in the North. By continuing to use these methods, they can continue to drain valuable manpower and resources from where they are needed. That’s likely their play.

It’s like death by a thousand cuts, leaving key resources and institutions vulnerable as they deal with attacks that are cost effective and involve little to no risk from the opposition. Why wage actual war when you can sling shit and damage their economy in the process?

“Seemingly”? More like “playfully”. Pretty sure they call this guy the nicest person in Rock Music for a reason.

I always figured it was something along the lines of “that’s what I had to do, so now you do, too.” My parents would say that line constantly and then once I grew up and talked to my grandparents, it was clear that they lied about all of their hardships.

I think they see the world as their own and nobody deserves any better treatment than that which they have received. Problem is, their memory from adolescence ain’t so sharp. They may have had to go without tampons once, or maybe forgot to shave and caught some bullying a few times. Doesn’t matter, to them this was an everyday thing. If they had to put up with it, so do you.

How else would you be able to grow up to be a great, independent person like they are if you didn’t? That’s my theory, anyway.

Braaappp? If I had to use this post alone to figure out what that meant, I’d have to assume it was slang for Brother rape

When it comes to unrestricted warfare, even this sub isn’t safe. Just don’t be a dirty, disgusting commie and y’all should be okay.

I’m just picturing her walking up to the clinic, whipping out her wand and yelling “incendio!”, nothing happens, so she grabs the gas and matches.

You think your supporters are going to read all that, bud? Just put FAKE NEWS in all caps and call it a day, worked last time

Holy, it’s a DUI in Hollywood. I know what kind of stuff goes on over there, when he called from the station I would have been relieved it was only a DUI. In Hollywood he could’ve got caught going full Weinstein, of course she’s going to support him

We’re all a few keystrokes away from endless titties and penises in any form we desire. Maybe this communism level censorship can tone itself down a bit.