Oh, that's awesome. I have absolutely no memory of what the old post was, but apparently I enjoyed it enough to tag you about it. I saw it was about Chinooks and was going to send it to my friend who is in aviation regiment at Carson with Blackhawks and Chinooks.

So when he called it a crisis, he was lying and there wasn't actually one?

I have you tagged as "walking -10" but the post from four years ago that it was linked to was deleted. Do you still have the Chinook story(ies)?

No, mods on your client will not enable them server side. You wouldn't be able to join the private server with the mods enabled on your client.

Your friends would only need to download the mods if you downloaded/enabled them server side.

Thick like you can completely dip the wing in it, and it doesn't drip off? I've seen the thickness of it vary, but never actually be thick at any of the dozens of locations I've been to.

Cajun is just the regular hot with some extra seasoning (the Louisiana rub, if you've ever had it).

They have never had the best blue cheese. They've improved from the watery garbage they used to serve, but it'll still on the thin side.

FWIW, I got a Cooks Standard set of tri-ply a few years ago and often throw them in the dishwasher to sanitize (as most stuff can usually just be sprayed off), and I have yet to have any issues.

Every account on reddit is a bot except you.

What's really sad is you think 15 bps is brag worthy. If I was going to lie about what I could shoot without a cheater board, I'd have never gone with such a mundane number. 24-28 (I don't remember exactly what's the fastest anyone ever shot, but know it was in that range) was with a cheater board, as I previously stated.

They still used a microswitch, it was just a different style (without a bar or roller), and the button had a much heavier weight than any electropneumatic marker used. Activating the switch tripped the electromagnetic sear, it was a pretty simple set up, the board just controlled how often it tripped it (fire mode/RoF). You could replace it with any other microswitch, provided it would fit inside the pocket for it in the frame. I considered doing so, but ended up upgrading to the BKO before I could find one that would fit.

Sorry, I didn't realize y'all have had such a hard time figuring out how to work a trigger. I didn't have any of those fancy settings, so clearly the only other possibility is it never happened and I made it up hoping to get that sweet karma.

Hell, even on my E99, with that garbage trigger, I could hit 13 bps consistently enough that I had to upgrade from a revy to a Halo B.

Two decades later, I can still click a mouse 15 times a second, but sure, we definitely couldn't walk an even lighter trigger 15 times a second. Please tell me more about my life that you lived.

It’s true. Without cheater boards or crazy settings most ppl can’t shoot faster than 15bps

Plenty of us did. Some (lots) of us also used cheater modes to hit 24-28 bps, but we could all hit 15 or better without that.

Very doubtful unless the debounce settings(which I don’t think the BKO had) was messed with.

The 2k3 BKO, which I had, had no settings. You could get a Vaporworks chaos board for it (which I later did), which did have some fire mode/RoF settings, and maybe one timing setting (dwell?). I thought I had a PDF of the manual saved, but I can't find it right now, and I can only find the 2k4 online. From what I've read in the the 2k4 chaos board manual, they did add other fire modes (PSP, NXL, break) and debouce/dwell to that year model (or maybe it's just a board shared between the Bushy, and the settings aren't functional in the BKO, not sure). Regardless, hitting 18 wasn't that hard, but it didn't compare against the high end guns with cheater boards.

You can. Once again most ppl can only do around 15bps.

Maybe the later models could (I have no idea), the earlier ones could not. They were everywhere back then, even in Walmarts and big name sporting goods stores, and they were all limited to 13 bps. They're not pneumatic markers, they just had an electric sear in an otherwise still mechanical gun. You can (and I did) swap frames with any of the other Spyders of that era.

No. You just wasn’t as good as you probably are now. People run stock class guns and get plenty of kills when running against electric guns

I wasn't talking in terms of personal skill, I meant in capabilities of the marker.

"There aren't any other launchers other than Epic that don't also have Steam as an option."
"What about Blizzard and Hoyoverse?"
"Those billion dollar companies don't count!"

Are you available for hire? I heard the Jaguars are relocating, and they need someone to move the goalposts for them.

Hard disagree on "most people thought you could shoot 18 bps, and you just totally couldn't..." I couldn't afford a fancy timmy, Angel, or Ego, so I had a BKO. I didn't have the plethora of fire modes and settings these other guns had, and I could still hit 18 (which is about what the marker was mechanically limited to anyways).

The video also makes it sound like you could shoot as fast with the cheap electric(-mechanical hybrid) Spyders, but those were limited to 13 bps. I had an E99 before the BKO and I was completely outclassed by my peers with the elector-pneumatics.

Normal ammunition is what less lethal ammunition is designed to be less lethal than, it can't be less lethal than itself. It may not be guaranteed to be lethal, but it is designed to be as lethal as (humanely) possible.

Blizzard? I know D4 is on Steam, but I believe that's it. And I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think Genshin or Honkai Star Rail are on Steam either.

I don't know if I'll ever completely get over how many years were "wasted" as a child and young adult, and how much better my life could have been if had gotten the support I needed, but at the same time it's not like I can do anything about it now. Now that I know I just got dealt a shitty hand, getting upset at myself about it doesn't really make sense to me anymore. I didn't fail me, society (or genetics) did. And why spend so much time overthinking about stuff in the past that can't be changed when overthinking about hypothetical conversations and situations that could yet still happen in the future is so much more fun.

You can melt butter first, I've been doing so for decades, just use a low heat.

I didn't think it was that good, the name has expanded so it doesn't imply you can only get it from combat.

Even better, there is a mod to add DRG flares.

They say to buy used chairs because the new ones cost four figures and most people can't afford to spend that much on a chair. Not everything is some crazy conspiracy.