This is the right answer. I go to a lot of games. My go to seats for a day game is behind the home dugout on the first base side, very back row. It is usually the only spot shaded as the game begins.

As the year moves on, you can sit a couple rows up, but keep it as far back as possible.

This is the way I am interpreting the statement:

Your followers get songs from your new releases in their Release Radar.

If you release a project with 8 songs, your followers will get a song or songs from the release.

You don’t need to pitch a song to our playlist editor, but if you do, we’ll include your pitched song in your followers Release Radar.

This way the song that I want, the pitched song, will be in my followers Release Radar playlist instead of whatever song from the new release Spotify arbitrarily puts in.

Thanks. I didn’t want this to just be finger picked guitar all the way through so I tried to learn how to program strings.

Thanks for the feedback. The drums are logic drummer, so yeah, midi. lol I played all key and guitar parts, but I don’t play drums so I have to rely on Logic. I am going to focus on this.
Thanks for the advice.

I wanted to update and share what I have recently adopted.

I created a folder in Google Drive that I call “Music Projects”. Inside that folder I created a separate folder for each of my songs. Inside each of these folders I created a Google Docs file for my lyrics/chord charts. I also upload voice memos to this folder and any recordings I do of the individual song.

This gives me one location to find everything I have on each song. Adds to the convenience of searching for old songs, but not a solution for creating in one location.

This is so great. Your ability to convey your message though your lyrics is so good. I would love to hear a full band version of this.

That is beautiful. Perfect music to set the tone of the poem.

I had a similar situation. I was trying to figure out how to get my doubles more aligned with my main vocal. I had been recording 4 comps of my main, picking the best and then using the second and third best for my doubles.

I almost bought vocalign, but I thought I would try something different first. This is going to sound obvious, but bear with me. I recorded my main, comped it, and then recorded my doubles while singing with my main.

Seems obvious and I feel dumb for typing this, but I am learning that taking recording shortcuts often don’t lead to shorter mixes.

I play to a metronome a lot and there isn’t a better feeling than when the metronome sounds like it’s part of the band.
You’re just jamming, eyes closed, and for a second you forget that you’re alone because you thought there was someone near by tapping along.
The downside, when you play so sloppy it feels like the metronome is speeding up and slowing down.

I listened to your EP on my way to work this morning and I really liked it. You need to put out more music, my man!

You have a Matt Scannell from Vertical Horizon vibe to your voice and I really like it. Great work. Release more!

I have done this very thing a bunch of times. Mostly at small venues or week night gigs. I have never had even a single negative comment from a spectator.

That is a good idea. I have never tried this. Is it possible to print from there? If not, I am sure it’s not a big deal to copy/paste to Google doc and print from there.

Awesome. I am going to check it out on my drive to work tomorrow.

All the time you see these notebooks and journals by the great songwriters where they piece their songs together and draw images to go with it. I always wished I could do that. I will buy a notebook or journal and put a couple notes in and then go back to my phone apps. I am jealous of those who can stick with it.

Oh no! lol

That was definitely me at one point, trying to get more and more organized with it, but still feel very scattered.

That is a great idea to separate the by album/release.
Demos in my DAW is another folder I have that I didn’t mention.
Get some of that music out! If you have five albums worth, it is probably something we need to hear. Do you have any of it posted anywhere?

Very cool. I will check out both of those. Thanks for the suggestions.

How do you organize the songs you have written?:flair-discussion: Discussion

Currently, I have a few different places I keep track of the songs I have written and I am not sure my work flow is as productive as it could be. Here is how I keep up with my songs:
* I have a voice memo folder for songs in process and a sub folder for completed songs.
* I have a notes folder for lyrics I am working on and a sub folder for completed songs.
* I have a Google Docs folder that I will keep lead sheet/chord charts.

Right now, this is my best option, but would love to hear of a process that someone else has that is more efficient. I don’t like having so many places to go to find what I am looking for.

Ideally, I would like one place/app/drive I could go to that would have a folder named of the song title and when I open that I have access to my recordings, lead sheets/chord charts and lyrics.

How do you tackle this is your workflow?

Pretty good.
The intro is too long but I like the vibe of it.
I think the production of the track is pretty good, too.
I think the vocals feel too polished.(?) If that makes sense. Like the singer is theatrical trained, but trying to sound pop. “Wore my heart (compressed breath) proudly”. I love the singers dynamic range, though.

The style suits your voice like a glove.
I am also impressed that you just started listening the genre and already produced a good song in the style.

Take that with a grain of salt, though. I don’t know what “shoegaze” is and can’t comment on if your song fits the genre or not, but I can confidently say that what you made is good.