They opened one near the White house for Obama

So sad I love that pizza when I visit STL.they opened one in Miami years ago but it closed in less than a year. Sad. Sad. Sad.

Biden needs to pull executive order and arrest trump for treason for Jan 6 throw him in guantanamo

Those that had weapons were an army. Maybe civilians that turned into an army but an army none the less. So an army should have weapons of war not civilians. You dont hunt elk or deer with an ak

Unfortunately, trumps god awful supporters dont care or believe any of the things that are brought against him.

The Apprentice show sucked ass. Trump sucks even worse as a TV personality.complete garbage bag.

He wants to jail politicians, get mad Biden and jail some politicians yourself. Lock him up. Lock him up.

He is, always has been, and always will be a complete piece of shit.

He paid before he was president this does not count in his immunity

Thomas should have never been a judge in the first place for sexual harrasment.

Let it be true. Use their own tactics. Its really no joke America. Vote Blue.

He needs to get tough and use some of these so called immunities. Fuck the repugnicans

Does all the immunity extend to Vice President as well?