M10s were the last great Ms, the SL2 the last great SL.

89-90% home ownership means the people cherry picking stats are using the unattainable uber expensive homes as a reference point when comparing it to income, which is an inherently flawed sample.

  1. Incarceration

  2. Opioid deaths

  3. Defense Spending

  4. Bombing other countries

  5. National Parks

My guy the study you're referencing only has data up to 2020 and is specifically targets data collection from high cost regions and desirable areas in Western and Central China. It's a study about household consumption as it pertains to housing, and has nothing to do with home ownership rates or the relative affordability of housing. Cherry picking stats and not reading at all is terrible practice, but so common among Americans lmao. The Chinese real estate market is deflating rapidly in real time due to policy decisions to increase accessibiity for average Chinese people. Having parents help to buy a home is not unique to China lmao.

Chongqing not on here makes me disregard the list.

There are more cities in China than just Shanghai, and even within Shanghai there are different tiers to real estate lmao. I assure you the ppl that live there know what they're getting into.

And we've come full circle wherein I tell you again, a higher percentage of Chinese own their own home vs Americans across all age brackets. Even with all your propagandized economic indicators, the simple fact remains that the Chinese, overall, enjoy more affordable housing than Americans bc it is specific policy that ensures it.

That number doesn't matter. Savings/Debt paints a far better picture of wealth. Disposable income can't be generalized bc cost of living in China is overall much lower and PPP is much higher in China.

Most Americans don't realize that Palestinians are also semites.

"Anyone can make it"
"Only 1% have made it"

Truly the most propagandized, temporarily embarrassed millionaires on planet Earth.

I'm getting downvoted bc reddit is a delusional reality matrix. Very few people on this website have experienced the world at large, they live in small bubbles in the US.

Tiktok has robbed you of your imagination and your attention span. This has more to do with your brain damage than anything to do with the books.

Hate to break it to you but most of the world lives on low CoL and walkable lmao

It means the US households are carrying as much debt as a country that has 4x the people as it. Do you know what per capita means? What do you mean "rich category?" Lmao. There are plenty of rich people in China and they have a middle class that that is much larger than the US itself (their middle class is ~500 million people). Compare that to the US where 95% of the wealth is owned by 20% of the population where the top 1% owns 60% of all wealth in the country.

I really don't think you know how anything works my guy, you have a brain full of propaganda and literally nothing else.

Brines don't always have to be vinegar...

Household debt being "similar" is only bad until you realize that China is 4x your population lmao.

Lmao household debt in China is much lower than in the US and average household savings is much higher. You are very confident about what little you understand.