Not especially, no. I recently read the report I referenced above and thought it applicable to your comment and the misconception that mass shooters often ‘snap’.

Personally, I have no sympathy, or concern for mass shooters.

Taken from the Connecticut Inspector General’s report on the 2022 Bristol attack:

According to the FBI’s Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU), clinical and forensic data on mass murder reveals that virtually all such acts are premeditated rather than impulsive violence. Furthermore, persons intending to engage in targeted violence generally move along an identifiable pathway. Such a pathways starts with a grievance and moves toward an ideation that violence is an acceptable (or only) means of redress. It then proceeds to planning, preparation, and ultimately the attack. This process can take weeks, months, or even years.

A lot of people are rightly commending the skill involved with making that shot under extreme circumstances, but with examples like Uvalde and other high profile instances of police inaction, him circling the house to engage that lunatic while injured and armed with only a handgun is unbelievably courageous.

Edit: clarity

I think so, too. But it defies any sense to fight that way against AP. The first time, sure, maybe he thought his awkward style would match up well vs AP. It didn’t, really. But to take the rematch, he must believe he can win. He must see something we don’t. The alternative is that he’s just crazy.

I think Ilia does to him what most people thought Gaethje would do. Happy to be wrong, but Ilia is young, strong, and well-rounded. I just don’t see how Max beats him right now. At some point, youth will catch up to and overtake the old guard. I think we are starting to see the beginning of that now with Ilia’s rise and the uncertainty surrounding JJ, DP, JG, Volk, etc.

Same issue. I’ve used F1Laps in the past and typically it’s fairly accurate regarding difficulty. Played career in ‘23 at 100. This year, F1Laps suggests 106 for Bahrain and Jeddah - neither track is my best. I set difficulty to 100 this year regardless and qualified in 15th with Williams. In the race, I got as high as 8th at Jeddah. So 100 is definitely too low for race, but 106 seems too high based on my qualification results.

I hate this screen so much. Visual diarrhea. I gave up trying to customize.

Euro ‘21 was outrageous, too. I also notice this in the club competitions every year. Any team that gets a result or even scores against a PL team is like some historic event that that club will remember forever.

I’m glad they are moving quickly, but ffs I preordered this and haven’t even started a career yet bc of all the issues. Everyday is the day I intend to start but hold off bc of one issue or another, or this patch and that patch being released in however many days.

I still couldn’t quite make her out waving so I found this other clip. After watching it I can now see her clearly in this video.

I don’t want to, but I really, really want that jungle cat

Complete insanity. Those who preordered or purchased day 1 waited over a week for the handling fiasco, now wait some more to fix just some of the ridiculous career mode issues. Maybe by mid-July you can actually start a proper career.


What bothers me the most is people preorder or buy day 1 to start career or myteam or whatever. Like any other game. But in ‘22 and now ‘24 you’re just waiting to actually start b/c they are changing this or need to fix that, etc. I remember ‘22 was months before they could fix the handling and by that time I had started and stopped and restarted my career so many times I was bored and burnt out on the game without ever completing a proper season.

Also, huge changes coming really, really, soon! Just fking tell us you pinheads!

Edit: can you imagine Elden Ring comes out late June and people say ‘don’t start yet! Wait until July 18th when it’ll be much better’. It’s absurd.

Knowing these two, they’d probably apologize for your clumsiness, politely take your alcoholic beverage, and and invite you to come train with them.

I just started practicing no line today, friend. I watched track guides and ran Bahrain dozens of times today and beat my best time just once. Haven’t been able to replicate it since. I’m really questioning whether I want to repeat this process for every track for.

Totally understand not having the time or desire.

Apparently the pos was a patient of Dr.Phillips, (top right) an orthopaedic surgeon. He has back surgery on May 19th and called several times after the procedure complaining of pain. Dr. Phillips met with him on May 31st to discuss additional treatment, but next day he called again complaining. I gather the other three victims were just wrong place, wrong time. I wonder if the guy was after pain meds, or stronger pain meds.

I don’t really care for customization all that much in this series, and the stuff is so ugly and poor anyway, but one helmet and track suit whereby you cannot really change the god awful color really is pathetic and shameful. So blatantly obvious, too, considering fans of the game have likely played previous titles and can’t help but notice virtually all customization requires pitcoin.

What a shit game. Tbh neither team deserved it. We had the better of it for the most part, but that really isn’t saying much. Awful performance.