Something I'll never understand about the myrise storylines. I get it's "kayfabe" but why would they want to make their own management look like absolute tards? Like this guy gets the wwe network hacked and some how you're the asshole? Just seems like a weird way to do things, come work for the WWE where everyone is incompetent and stuck up. Look there's Miz. "I want my number one guy to fail horribly and I'm gonna be the one to do it" makes sense for a GM🙄

Hawk & Animal The Legion of Doom, I know the games already got the gear and make up, I just want that entrance and the music that goes with it. In my opinion they should always be included. They're one of if not the single greatest tag team not just wwe but every promotion they went to, these guys held belts around the world, that's true legend status

It's A Big Rich Town

Cane so smart he torched another man's supply just to help that big headed mafuckah Tariq get back in the game. Dude is as smart as Terrance Howard, doesn't even understand how a mirror works.

It's A Big Rich Town

End of next season whoever is being built up to be the big bad, she'll take out. Camera slow pan up, she's in a hoodie, pulls the hoodie back revealing a scar. Cut to black and end credits. We all go "ohhhh shitttt"

That's 2 minutes more than it should take. For people like myself who have the 40 years of wrestlemania edition, which where I'm at costs a cool 149.99+ tax. Why should I be forced to then go out buy a fucken doll, scan it, return it. Just so I can have a playable character?

They already got 150+ outta me and that doesn't buy me the complete experience? Now, me a 35 year old man, has to walk into a walmart, buy a doll and return said doll?

I got a life, if I wanted to run around the city playing where's carmin San Diego I wouldn't have spent 150+. The whole point of a "ultimate" edition is that's everything.

Generic theme 1 or 100% it'll be something that's already in the game. I don't get adding a ECW pack to a TEEN game. Everything that's ECW isn't for teens. Unless they add more weapons, stackable tables and everything else that makes ECW, I don't see the point in cock teasing us fans with half stepping nonsense.

Really interested to see how sandman entrance is gonna be with this pussy ass TEEN rating. I doubt he's gonna show up in the crowd hacking a dart, chugging a beer and then smashing said beer can into his skull, One can dream.


Keep it up, with that kinda attitude the ban hammer is coming your way next. Let me tell you something, all you wrestling fans out there, talking about 2K only wants money, 2k this 2k that. Well I'll tell ya mean gene, each one of those so called fans can get the ban hammer brother!

Last weekend I was playing ranked. 5 guys in a row had a amethyst Shamus. So I messaged one, asked how he got it. He said it was from collection rewards. The amount of cards you'd need to unlock that shamus card would be impossible to obtain without spending real money. The game hasn't been out long enough to even grind to that level of collector.

It's A Big Rich Town

Right? It's the weirdest shit to me, day you got fucked up at homies house and they filmed that shit and sent it to your mom's. Are you gonna go a chill with that dude next weekend? Fuck no, at least I'm not, shit that's hands where I'm from. Get someone fucked up and then film it, that's not your friend B. I like the power universe because, fuck there's no other hood mcu out there but the shit with Riq, time and time again this could would've already been locked up or dead just based on how he moves. He's cocky, he thinks he's ten steps ahead when in reality if five steps behind the opposition. I won't miss book 2, book 3 in my eyes has been the best on the whole universe

It's A Big Rich Town

Hard to say, both his parents blow, but at some point you're responsible for yourself, Tariq has always been a dumb kid.

I don't know a single person in or out of the "life" that would chill with a dude who drugged them, Kanan got that kid fucked up, sent a kidnapping text to his parents and Riq is like "Kanan is my only friend" kids retarded.

Gotta love the clipping on Logan Paul. 2k ladies and gentlemen a multi million dollar company, can't even get layered clothing correct

Does that mean for the next three years every time Cody comes out Michael Cole and Corey graves are gonna call him an unworthy jobber?

Can 2K get there in time to save their game?!? Will myfaction be the success 2k wants!?! Is universe mode ever going to get fixed?!?!? And what of Yamcha and Tien!?!

I did it, ripped them about broken uni mode and while mygm was an improvement it was hardly with the price tag for such a minimal improvement. Explained how all the my faction stuff is pointless because the rewards aren't worth the grind.

Further more I shamed them on not having every theme or at the very least allowing us to use our own music. Personal note mentioned how are the Legion of doom not on a staple for the legend wrestlers? The single greatest tag team of all time.

I'm always blown away by everyone's attention to detail on the belts. I've made one belt, it looks like a five year olds drawing.

Congratulations on making truly stunning belts.

It's A Big Rich Town

I guess I'm in the minority, I think BMF is dope. Even if it's a heavy embellished "true" story. Personally I definitely prefer a raise to power story vs say ghost. Come in and he's already top G. No growth for the character, all that's left is the downfall.

It's A Big Rich Town

Can you blame him? Effie, nice face no body or Lauren the full package.

I guess right now, wrestling is becoming popular again I'm assuming? I dropped off around 01. If it's gaining popularity again, I guess 2K feels like this is prime real estate but I gotta say out of all my buddies with kids, none of them watch wrestling. So I'm not sure who this game is geared towards.

Skylanders! I was so close lol. Yeah it's a stupid concept, especially with the way 2k operates already with the my faction card packs, you'd think that would be enough of a wallet rape but no, buy our fucken toys too.

Was that the game from way back where you had to buy the little toys and sit them on something to use them in game or was that Playstation? Skyriders or some shit like that

That truly is a disgusting tactic. Where I'm at the 40 years of wrestlemania version cost me 149.99, I shouldn't have to buy dolls for more in game wrestlers. I'm fucken 35 what am I gonna do with dolls?

There's issues with the AI in faction wars right now. I had my own teammate push a ladder out from under me, as well as multiple times in 3 vs 3 or 4vs 4 tag match, I don't tag anyone yet some how I become the illegal man in and get counted out, or the AI will tag and some get to have a 2 on 1 advantage. As for strategies currently what I do for 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4, is beat the holy hell out of the legal man, pin him so his teammates interfere. Do that 3 times and all of them are barred from jumping in, hit the legal man with a finisher or two and go for the pin. Because his teammates already jumped in, they can't come back in the ring again. The hardest part is keeping pressure so they don't tag out.

Ladder matches, similar idea if you remove the ladder from under the ring the AI could careless about it being a ladder match. Beat one of them to stunned, toss him out. Grab the ladder at the side of the ring, set it up. Do another beat down if you need to, climb up and get the briefcase.

Am I understanding this right? In order for me to unlock more wrestlers for a game I already PAID for I have to go out and buy physical dolls? Do I have that right? If so this has gotta be an all time low for the scummiest thing a game company has ever done.

I desperately wanna tweet to triple H and remind him about good match pairings. If I see two faces in the ring at the same time on raw... Oh boy hunters gonna hear it. Remind him about pairing up proper classes, I better never see two giants in the ring at the same time on smackdown.