I kept mine around 1295 CP as well since I heard that was better for gym defending than maxing it out would be. I have this same shundo

Also would like to know

I was at this game! Live in VA so mom surprised me with tickets to see him one last time.

Are showcases on a set schedule - is there somewhere to easily find info on them? Going to start grinding the Showcase Star badge.

XL too, its a hell of a trophy. I’d just look at it like this is the talking Meowth from the show and best buddy this bad boy.

Are you going to use it for anything or just a trophy? If just a trophy idk if I would bother personally

What is your cool jacket? Not sure what that is but I clearly missed out

This is a mistake, right? Theyre putting it back?

Chiefs would still get their chance to get the ball back

Same, but with terrible IVs, cant bring myself to invest into it. Been hunting my 2nd hard ever since. Sooo many battles

Inclement weather here so couldnt play :/

Its my favorite ep to fall asleep to. Its hilarious lol

FC: <unknown> Trainer name: <unknown>

7373 2953 8066

Lvl 46, daily player

I had a tough time with rune cbow for some reason when I was underleveled, I ended up doing it with Karil’s bow and it felt like a BP. You could use that or MSB(i), even for just the smaller mobs, could speed things up.

Man, now that its real, it hurts a lot more than I thought it would. Wish he could sit on the end of the bench forever.

Oh my god hes so tall i assumed he was standing next to children before i realized lmao

There was a shiny riolu hatch event last week. Assuming these eggs are from that.