Personally I do overtime every second week, unless I have plans. I have found it a good balance for the bank account and what little is left of my sanity.

Water and this is a weird one but hear me out. Flavored chapstick. I got about 20 of them, sweet watermelon, cherry, raspberry.. My favorite is orange sherbet

I dunno, I got no friends, a job that I suck at, and I am pretty sure I make my husband miserable. My family never message me, not on my birthday or anything

Not enough space on your PS2 or PS1 memory card to save your game, and your parent screaming at you to hurry up.


I would say fast food, based on that documentary Super Size me where that guy ate mcdonalds all day every day for a month, and his doctor told him to stop or he would die. However while I acknowledge fast food is addictive, its not as addictive as smoking.

I guess intake or frequency of fast food and alcohol can outweigh smoking. Smoking is still bad, but it takes a long time for it to kill you.

However, in one night, you can die from Alcohol poisoning and obviously get drunk and crash a car.

I heard something about Chris Cornell going to whistle blow on a sex trafficking ring in the industry and he didnt kill himself he was "Epstein'd" but as far as Google says that isn't true. I heard Chester from Linkin Park was in on it with Cornell.

Cooking them until they are warm is how i like em. yup still crunchy (depending on the vegetable obviously) but from I was taught in school, if you cook them too much you cook the nutrients out.

NTA maybe my parents (rip) raised me wrong, its possible, they were only human. But if I went to someone's house and complained about the food they offered me, I would have been firmly corrected about respecting the work someone has put in to feeding me, and my parents would not have held back about teaching me to be thankful.

My reflexes are also slower my friend. Also the sad part of not knowing why my friend never logged in again. I know one has passed away, but some have just stopped logging in over time, and wondering if life just got busy, their computer/console died or they simply.. died. Not knowing is hard.

Absolutely amazing!! Go you, I don't even know who you are, but I am super proud of you and wish I was there to cheer you on you amazing fantastic person!!! Keep being awesome friend!

The one that hands pedo priests over to the police to face justice and not cover up for them. The one that encourages rational thought, and encourages to embrace difference with love (homosexuality).

And I am an atheist so it would probably not go well for the church.

Get my phone out, hit record, and ask my boss politely if they would repeat themself.

Following religion. I get the basic principals of it, "don't be a dick" but to believe there is a god in the sky, influencing stuff but still giving us free will and letting us murder each other and inslave people perplexes me. And yes, I have read the bible.

As someone with a history of trauma, I will borrow a quote from "one of gods chosen people" who suffered imaginable trauma during WW2.

If there is a god, he should be begging for my forgiveness.

Lets start with businesses cannot own residential property. I wonder if I will get assassinated for this comment.

As a woman I would argue they are all as bad as each other, based on the way they treat woman and the wars fought in their names. But I also accept that most of the "modern wars" fought under the name of a religion are extremists of that particular religion.

I wish someone would call me because they thought of me. I wonder what thats like.

Print this, and a copy of the email you send to your lawyer

Smells like its time for a revolution.. just saying.

Works too much, and doesn't clean. He is looking for a woman that will clean after him and work as much as he does