I saw it for sale on the eShop and curiosity got the best of me. The switch version gets ragged on alot, but surely it couldn't be that bad. And To my surprise it really wasn't that bad. Its somewhat of a decent port. The updates and patches did it wonders. It feels and plays exactly like it would on Xbox. Only major difference is that the "realistic cgi graphics filter"(idk what to call it) is gone making it look like an Xbox 360 game. Being a big Xbox 360 player, I really didn't mind and I'm more or less used to that sort of look.

It's not exactly perfect. My main complaint comes with Homelander. In the character select screen his cape clips through him and his Mouth doesn't move when he's talking during the match. The Switch version does have a few issues I hope they fix in the next patch

Edit: also character intros are gone for the switch version. Hopefully they add those too in the next patch

Edit #2: occurred to me that I haven't played towers mode on the switch. There are character intros there and maybe there's a reason they're not there if you play in local matches. For one of the female bad guys(the one with the monster face, i keep forgetting her name) her face clips out of her mask while she's talking. It was seriously distracting for me. As I said earlier it's a decent port, but not perfect. Some small kinks need to be ironed out a little more. I can say for certain that at this rate, they are a few more patches and updates away into being the Nintendo Switch port it should have been from the beginning