Shit the post I saw was like from 5 months ago

I wish I could tell you, mine came sold separately

What’s wrong with meDiscussion

Hello, I need this subs advice. I just recently got out of a three-year relationship. It lasted most of the time I was in high school and ended shortly after I got out. I know the time after high school for a lot of people is a lonely period with friends going all over the country to attend college, and partners splitting isn’t too out of the ordinary, but something about this feels different. I mean, I’ve been alone in life before, but never like this. All I really do is work now to save up for school. I spend my whole day taking people's orders and talking to others, but the whole time I’m around people, conversing and socializing, it only ever feels like I’m talking to myself, like my thoughts are the only thing keeping me company with this. I’ve noticed a lot of insecurities I dealt with when I was younger returning. I almost feel like a shell of my former self when I’m in a new environment where, as I once was brash, almost in a way, I find myself in a very introverted mindset. Most places I go, I feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. I felt like this was due to my appearance, so I chopped my hair, which I had for almost 2 years, and changed my style to fit in more I always make jokes about being afraid of women, but as I’ve become more closed off, it doesn’t feel too much like a joke anymore. I really just don’t know what to do. I write this lying in bed, thinking about the past and what’s wrong with me now, knowing I have to get ready for work in about three hours. Any advice is welcome, and I thank you for taking the time to read this.

Oh it should be in your wrapped on Spotify

I gotta lot of time on my hands lol

I would say it’s completely all right. People always ask artists behind the meaning of a painting or song barbers are pretty much artists. (Sorry but that was the best metaphor I could come up with)

12 vs 17
Novice -2

Thank you for your advice. What hairstyles would you recommend?

Novice -2

Thank you, Is there anything I can do to improve? I would like to reach about an eight.

Novice -2

I understand that this sub rates people objectively, not subjectively and have read, understand, and will follow the rules and rate people objectively following the men's and women's ratings guides and primers.

Damn, well that sucks not even gonna lie since I switched over to pc this was the only good thing I’ve gotten my hands on.

Well fuck does anyone need one

Oh this used to be rare a few years back I haven’t played the game since then

thank you for your comment. I haven’t played in a while and the markets completely different.