I can understand from a marketing perspective on bringing in big name Japanese actors people know as the draw, but man do the same five to ten actors just get cast in EVERYTHING.

The property’s got a big enough name, maybe let it be a vehicle for other up and coming or lesser known Japanese actors? Including but not limited to the mo cap actors who made these characters through their original performances and likenesses?

I never heard the original score - there was a version released in the early 2000s when goth and metal was really popular that had an industrial goth score overlayed over the original silent film - don’t remember anything about the score other than the marketing on the box, it didn’t really leave an impact, but it was cool seeing the original footage

Ever since Uncle Baby Billy he’s been getting more and more talked about, but he has some serious range as an actor. He can play a legitimately intimidating and unsettling villain, and then turn around and play the most slapstick comedic roles with ease. He can put out a heartfelt, empathetic performance and then be the most detestable asshole you hate but still somehow still like him. Dude has an incredible range

Add to that that ET is very clearly force sensitive, meaning ET could’ve become a Jedi depending on how his race ages

Well, in the past tense. They’re shutting that ride down unfortunately

If they ever made something like the Primal tv show into a movie their score would be dope - something with minimal or no dialogue and with a naturalistic, wild setting

Well, considering they put their own version of Bush in office with Harper, then put their own version of Obama in office with Trudeau, the future does not bode well for them…

This. Pretty much everyone in private security was in the military before, and no amount of civilian martial arts training is ever gonna compare to the life and death training those guys received

Why’d you post two pics of Wes Anderson?

Another personal story to share - I asked someone who was working a kiosk outside a train station for directions, and he not only took out a map to show me the best way to get where I was going, but offered to walk me there himself. When I told him it was okay, he said it was no trouble, and called his wife to come down and keep an eye on his kiosk while he showed me how to get where I was going.

I was finally able to assure him I was going to be okay so he didn’t have to take off work, but that wasn’t the only time I experienced the next level helpfulness of Japanese people

Funny thing about Hillary, her approval ratings are always consistently high - whenever she’s not running for president. She’s nearly always been on the ball and would’ve made a great president, but it will literally never happen.

There’s nothing that makes people dislike her more than when she’s run for president - she very firmly had a ceiling that she herself would never be able to break through

Well, if you’re talking about him as a political figure and an ex president. I was saying more in the sense of a citizen - of him saying “if they came after me they could come after you.” The average citizen could cheat on their spouse by fucking a pornstar and that’s not a crime - if they lied about it and took money from a business or a non profit to pay that pornstar off and then lied again in court about it, THOSE are the crimes.

Wasn’t talking about him as a specific public figure, but pointing out that what got him into that courtroom wasn’t at all what he was claiming

I can’t stand watching anything with him or even parodying him that’s been going on. What’s gonna be interesting though is foreign media treating him like our Hitler and seeing how they interpret him.

The scary, scheming Hitler like from Valkyrie?

The random, conceited Hitler who signs the grail diary like in Last Crusade?

Or the cartoonish buffoon who gets blown away in another country’s version of alternative history like Inglorious Basterds?

Those would probably be the only takes I could stand watching, because whatever else can be said about him, almost everyone can agree that he is first and foremost abrasive, annoying, and a loudmouth who physically can’t shut up

Yep. Nobody cares that he slept with a porn star except his wife, and that’s between them. Adultery isn’t a crime. The crime was lying about the adultery and stealing money to use to hide the adultery. That’s what the dumbass doesn’t get - you’re not guilty for the act, you’re guilty of lying and stealing

Damn ¥18,000 for that iaito? Very nice. Beautiful and that price can’t be beat for that quality

Yeah, wait til they find out who the gay friend that Cameron was trying to unknowingly set up with Phil voiced in that same movie…

It is very unique in terms of horror movies, and that’s saying something considering the whole franchise and the disciples storyline being unique.

I honestly can’t think of another horror movie villain that evokes such empathy and sympathy. You genuinely forget for the first act of the movie that this dude has a body count and is a total psycho

So like Planet of the Apes but with smart people living underground instead of mutants?

Damn well now I know why Altered Carbon got cancelled, nobody apparently watched it lol. Go watch Altered Carbon, this is literally the exact plot: only the rich can live forever

Society and “the baby” from The Void


Super Mario Bros, and I will die on that hill.

That movie is awesome, its Blade Runner with dinosaurs for kids and when you get older and realize that Hoskins and Leguizamo are drunk in like every scene of the movie it takes on a whole new level

No prob, always like dispensing advice I wish I’d heard when I was younger