My lazy ass missed the “login for x days” one but got everything else. I feel so dumb lmao

Honestly I think it’s as simple as he had that much time left. Once you’ve progressed to the catacombs, lore wise enough time has passed. That’s all speculation tho just the simplest explanation imo

Helper Lv.2

Your misconception makes sense cause that’s more intuitive lmao. Like why would something being upgraded hurt your damage? Feels like an oversight on their part imo

Helper Lv.2

Idk why with twinlance but it’s prolly for the same reason as sun fire. The sun fire continuously does damage while it’s on top of an enemy. Faster bullet means less time on top of enemy means less damage

Honestly starting level is fine and I’m not just saying that as someone who’s played the game a lot. He’s very aggressive, you basically either learn him and beat the brakes off him very 1-sidedly or he kills you pretty quickly. He’s not super hard to learn, just takes a lot of tries your first time. Try without heals for a while so you don’t have to keep farming

They also seem to have no idea how long it takes to beat games lmao

I basically always do out of convenience/just wanting the ring right now

It wasn’t always like this

Why are so many of you trying this dlc for the first time at ng+ or higher. That’s asinine straight up. Play it how it’s intended to be balanced before crying about big numbers

Logarius’s Nursing Home

I like the art a lot but the artist’s point in the original tweet is fucking braindead imo. It’s basically “I like Sekiro the most, therefore their boss philosophy in all other games sucks without mods”

Death, taxes, imaginary ds2 criticisms

Helper Lv.2

General consensus seems to be that it’s very good, but not worth rushing. Don’t go for it until you’ve got an over abundance of materials

And tbf I was calling the base game bosses overtuned for a while, like months, so I defo get why a new harder version of that gives that impression

The dlc has been out a day. I’m not saying it’s a skill issue, but maybe you just haven’t learned the boss like you have the base game bosses that have been out for years

Tbh I really do think it changes that fact in my eyes but if you can’t get past it I realize how it’s a bit disappointing. Imo it’s a brand new fight that looks awesome, I’ve got no issues. And I really don’t think it comparable to a copy paste boss at all.

His fight is so different though. It’s not just radahn with some new moves, it’s a different fight entirely. Not at all comparable to the destiny situation

My best friend was sleeping over at my house as a kid, and he had both played original ff cause our parents bought it on a whim. We lost our minds to this trailer when it came on out of nowhere on tv. We thought we were the only 2 people that even played it lmao. It did not disappoint at all