But don't buy charcoal filters specifically for a cat litter box, Get the sheet you can cut to size yourself. Your wallet will thank you.

On the 2nd local account,

Go to files, Local disc C, Programme files, acer, Nitro sense service

Find PSLauncher - Right click, Run as admin

Refresh the deskop and try to launch Nitro with the N button.

If this doesn't work i've just spotted a file called PSCreatedefaultprofile (Not sure what this does. Might be worth giving it a click though)

and next time don't open it

Why? These laptops are built to be modified/upgraded in certain areas.

That's like saying, Don't change the oil on your own car, Pay someone else to do it for you.

"Here's a little song I wrote,
You might want to sing it note for note,
Don't worry, Be happy."

My Local Dominos is on the high street. So that means paying for parking, Walking through town, pick up pizza, walk back through town. Drive home.

It just doesn't add up to collect here.

I only want 1 pizza. Brilliant - All pizzas £10. Ok cool. And now they add £2.50 for delivery. Ok that's not too bad, Oh there's a minimum order total of £16 not including delivery. Ok so now, I'm paying nearly full whack for 1 pizza and a shitty side I don't want?

The last 10 times i've gone to place an order, I've ended up going somewhere completely different.

Something to be really aware of in snow. Because the snow holds your body and takes alot of the weight you might normally feel, it can be very confusing - I was told if you ever find yourself in that situation, you should try to spit to see where it falls.

To be fair, You probably wouldn't hear from the ones who reattempt successfully.

Why wouldn't you start off with that important bit of information?

By law, Unless you are Nepalese you are required to have a guide nowadays (and that includes the hike to base camp). If you do decide to go for it, then it would be pretty bloody rude to use any of the ladders or ropes laid out by Sherpas for the people who have paid for assistance.

I would say it's very very rare for someone to touch any of it without a guide.

A lot of climbers aren’t exactly rich

Depends what we class as being rich. I suppose it also depends on what you count as climbing it. I know someone who did the trek to the base camp and went no further - That trek cost him around 30grand GBP.

I believe the majority of people who go only do this trek

Well played, And well done you!

You might want to check your history books, Because the Dutch outweighed the aboriginals in numbers starting from the year 1607.

So, It's not a real worm? Well done. You had me fooled!

So the cable has already been "fixed" at some point?


Cover the crack with a single piece of tape, Let it wrap around both sides, then Wrap some electrical tape around this area to hold the thing together (and also hold the other bit of tape), Make it tight so it isn't open. but not too tight that it starts flaying out.


Use the right tape (electrician tape), because this brick does get hot. DO NOT cover the entire brick with this tape, as the brick does get hot and you don't want it overheating. (this is also why you can't just use any old tape)

Doesn't need replacing, Just be aware that it's already slightly damaged, So check it every time before use.

ELI5 - Pretend it's a big cut in your arm, and bandage it in a way that would hold the cut together.

There have been multiple people on this sub who have used their laptops for over a year without that charger being fully plugged in.

(Sorry if this sounds like we are repeating stuff but we need to make sure the basics are covered first)

Is it a new laptop? If so, Check it's fully plugged in again, It needs to click into place, Don't be afraid, Just push it in. Most people don't want to push it in too far incase it breaks something, You won't break anything. But the first time you plug a charger into a nitro takes a fair bit of effort...

It could be many things, including the outlet you are using. If you've done all of the above, Try another plug socket in your house, or space.

My tie had obvious bite marks and tears through it and where I was goading the dog into biting my arm my suit jacket was a tad stretched and damp. Pretty sure there was at least 1 muddy pawprint on my white shirt too.

We then went to a really fancy christening. All the bells and whistles, Everyone dressed to impress. And there was me with a torn sleeve and a pawprint on my chest. Pretty sure she bit my nose too so I may have been bleeding.

I don't understand why you were called a dickhead.

It doesn't take much for your friends to call you a dickhead in the UK. I think they were a bit upset because they had put a lot of time into how they were dressed and I really didn't care how I looked, Even though I said i'd be prim and proper on the day.

Can you send a photo of the damage?

If it still works, it's probably fine for an at home repair job.

So I dressed up really nicely for a christening. We were meeting up at my friends house and were going to leave from there.

Upon arriving, their dog was very hyper and happy to see me (of course she was, I am awesome)

I then asked, May I? And before getting an answer I then started rolling around wrestling with the dog. I think the dog won. I was then called a dickhead.

Fair. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Don't even ask me about the time I met and wrestled a giant poodle. (I think I lost that one... Dog started getting a tad rapey) [Just to add, it wasn't a completely random dog in the park... Well it sort of was, Someone elses dog in the rugby team]

To be fair, you put almost anyone in a room with Joe Wilkinson and they will become pregnant shortly after.

Did she ever shout "stop" at you before? When I was very young, Maybe 4 or 5, I ran across a road and mum shouted "AWORDOFINTEREST- STOP!!" at me. I can still hear that sometimes today in her exact voice and tone. I sometimes wake up to my dads voice too, He died nearly 20 years ago.

Brains are weird... You know when they say if you nearly die your life flashes before your eyes? Yea that's basically it, All of your core memories come out to play. Sometimes those memories are enough to jolt you out of whatever is going wrong.

... I'm not insane you are.

Let's start off with the basics - What machine do you have?

I'm assuming it's a desktop rather than a laptop?

my room are like 30-40°C

????? That's insane - We had a bit of heat here in the UK and my bedroom was 30deg C at midnight and I went and slept in a different room because of it. (Neighbour behind my house installed new windows that open all the way up, which apparently was directing a beam of sunlight directly at my room, It even made a small burn mark on my wall, I've spoken to then, they have since put a film on their window, but it was a once in a year event anyway.)

If your room is 30-40deg C then I think you need to worry about your health before you even think about the laptop.

So, The Afrikaans language is heavily influenced by the Dutch. - The Australian accent is also heavily influenced by the Dutch.

As an Englishman, A few years ago I was selling goods to a Dutch man, I dealt with him twice a week for about a year I could never place where he was from. I thought he was English at first, then after a while I thought South African, Eventually he told me he was Dutch and had moved around quite a lot to different countries, after learning this I looked it up. I didn't realise the influence the Dutch had around the world. But it's vast.

I suppose no different than the northern parts of Africa sounding a tad French.

Probably a bit of both. Rumours go around, People make jokes and such about rumours. Even if it's not true, Still quite funny to laugh that a seemingly upstanding member of society is actually a nonce.

I mean, Even as kids we used to joke about a certain teacher being a nonce. The scary part is when the jokes come out as true, which they did in our case.

Genuinely, We all knew. There was never any proof of anything, but we knew - Hence the jokes.

Years later (actually a couple of years ago) I was working with a bloke a similar age to me maybe a couple of years older, but went to a school on the other side of town. They also knew the same rumours about the same man. Which again - Turned out to be true.

Acer Nitro

We all have acer nitro's, But acer nitros can be very different across the board. You need to give as much information as possible on the exact model for a good answer to this question.

Unfortunately i'm not able to answer it for you, as i've never done it and wouldn't want to damage your machine. If you let us know the exact model, somebody may be able to help you.

Honestly, With the exact model, you could probably do a bit of research yourself on google "Acer nitro [Model number] GPU overclock"

I'm not sure if it's even recommended to do. Most people here talk about undervolting, I rarely see people talking about overclocking.

What laptop do you have?

You can try this (May or may not be visible) -

Open Nvidia control panel, Click System information (Bottom left) - Look at the line "Maximum graphic power"