This is funny, but it's also the weird thing with casual sex. You sign on for some "No Strings Attached" fun in stark defiance of biology and eventually the hormones win for someone.

It looks like a medieval torture device, but there's a kind of dog brush that's a loop of serrated steel ribbon and it's perfect for this. At least with Cattle Dogs. I don't know if all undercoats are think enough to warrant that.

This whole episode is a sick fever dream. Guys killed more than a dozen people at random essentially procrastinating on their actual target. 

My man really added a port for faster access. 

Time for the Bart Simpson .gif, "Hm. What an odd thing to say."

This is especially weird because your "team of two" is a management failure. It is the manager's job to make sure you have the adequate number of labor hours to safely and efficiently get the job done.


 Whether it's changing compensation or duties, something has to change as that you can have the personnel you need. 


This is like a cop smoking a 14 year old and going, "Isn't it wild that a BIC can look like a gun at the right angle?" 

Best combat in any game. I started gaming in the 90s and nothing has come close. 

You can go to Castle Ashina without doing the flashback with Madame Butterfly, but the boss there is much harder. XD


Hard in a different way. Maybe it'll click for you. 


That said, Madame Butterfly is the part where you learn it's not a Dark Souls game. You need to stay up in her shit the whole fight or she does the wind-up instant kill attacks. 

You can still get pre workout with DMAA/DMHA in it, but it's quite expensive. I think theFDA's problem is DMAA was psychoactive: It caused feelings of well-being. Rough that well-being is regulated, but kinda don't want Cellucor selling drugs. XD

Someone spent too much time on the Hub.

Honestly, if you're someone who chews through a game and puts it down, Game Pass and Origin were actually very consumer friendly. I played Remnant II for about 100 hours, went to PalWorld for probably 40 hours, replayed the Halos, etc. 


Gaming subscriptions bother me much less than the recent adding of battle passes to full-priced games. Battle passes were a way for freemium and free-to-play models to sustain themselves, but then you have something like Fallout 1st for a game a lot of folks paid full price for and didn't get good content for several years.

Older guy by three years... Yes, that's a long time when you're that old; things slide fast. But everyone's presenting Trump as the younger option and it drives me fucking nuts. They could have been in high school together. 

If Joe Biden went on stage and fucking died, I'd still vote for him. I wish, like everyone else, we'd gotten a choice, but we didn't. Trump is an unserious option and there's no hint of a serious conservative candidate in the pipeline. 

I spent a lot of time lauding the community, only to look like a moron since every 3-5 Faschnact events I've done recently has been nuked. Lol

No one would do any of the seasonal events without the FOMO recipes/plans. Fasnacht is no exception. People will get the masks over the next few days, then show back up at the better public events. 

Without a lot of armory mods, nothing beats the variety of guns. With WAP, Another Millennium, etc. where you can get pump action plasma shotguns, incendiary AKs, etc., energy weapons brawling builds with some of the DT perks will have you reenacting that Jin Roh scene. Titans of the New West with a Plasma Caster feels like this. Legion boys in football pads and skirts get folded.